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-- ZAM_ReactionColors © ZAM Network LLC -- All Rights Reserved local versionNo = "1.2" local f = WINDOW_MANAGER:CreateTopLevelWindow("ZAM_ReactionColors") local reticle = ZO_ReticleContainerReticle local stealthEye = ZO_ReticleContainerStealthEye local GetUnitReactionColor = GetUnitReactionColor local DoesUnitExist = DoesUnitExist local GetUnitLevel = GetUnitLevel local GetUnitReaction = GetUnitReaction local GetConColor = GetConColor local playerLevel = GetUnitLevel("player") local reaction, targetName, targetLevel, warning, lowHealth, db local colorByChoices = {"Reaction", "Level", "Level if hostile", "Disabled"} local defaults = { warning = true, warningLevel = 5, lowHealth = false, healthLevel = 25, colorBy = "Reaction", colorTargetName = true, colorTargetLevel = true, } local function CreateWarningTexture() warning = WINDOW_MANAGER:CreateControl("ReactionColorsReticleWarning", ZO_ReticleContainer, CT_TEXTURE) warning:SetTexture("ZAM_ReactionColors\\") warning:SetDimensions(130,130) warning:SetAnchor(CENTER, ZO_ReticleContainer, CENTER, 0, 0) warning:SetColor(1, 0, 0, 1) warning:SetHidden(true) end local function CreateLowHealthTexture() lowHealth = WINDOW_MANAGER:CreateControl("ReactionColorsReticleLowHealth", ZO_ReticleContainer, CT_TEXTURE) lowHealth:SetTexture("ZAM_ReactionColors\\") lowHealth:SetDimensions(130,130) lowHealth:SetAnchor(CENTER, ZO_ReticleContainer, CENTER, 0, 0) lowHealth:SetColor(1, 0, 0, 1) lowHealth:SetHidden(true) end local function UpdateColor() if DoesUnitExist("reticleover") then local r, g, b = GetUnitReactionColor("reticleover") local level = GetUnitLevel("reticleover") local r2, g2, b2 = GetConColor(level, playerLevel) local hostile = GetUnitReaction("reticleover") == UNIT_REACTION_HOSTILE if db.colorBy == "Reaction" then reticle:SetColor(r, g, b) stealthEye:SetColor(r, g, b) elseif db.colorBy == "Level" or (db.colorBy == "Level if hostile" and hostile) then reticle:SetColor(r2, g2, b2) stealthEye:SetColor(r2, g2, b2) --[[elseif db.colorBy == "Level if hostile" and hostile then reticle:SetColor(r2, g2, b2) stealthEye:SetColor(r2, g2, b2)]] end if db.colorTargetName then if not targetName then targetName = ZO_TargetUnitFramereticleoverName end targetName:SetColor(r, g, b, 1) end if db.colorTargetLevel then if not targetLevel then targetLevel = ZO_TargetUnitFramereticleoverLevel end targetLevel:SetColor(r2, g2, b2) end if warning and db.warning then if hostile and (level - playerLevel >= db.warningLevel) then warning:SetHidden(false) end end if lowHealth and db.lowHealth and not hostile and not lowHealth:IsHidden() then lowHealth:SetHidden(true) end else if warning then warning:SetHidden(true) end reticle:SetColor(1, 1, 1, 1) stealthEye:SetColor(1, 1, 1, 1) if lowHealth and db.lowHealth then lowHealth:SetHidden(true) end end end local panelData = { type = "panel", name = "ZAM ReactionColors", displayName = "|t72:36:ZAM_Stats\\|t ReactionColors", author = "Seerah", version = versionNo, slashCommand = "/zamrc", registerForDefaults = true, --add resetFunc to move UFs back to default position } local optionsData = { [1] = { type = "header", name = "Coloring Options", }, [2] = { type = "dropdown", name = "Color the targeting reticle by...", tooltip = "Select when to color the targeting reticle.", choices = colorByChoices, getFunc = function() return db.colorBy end, setFunc = function(colorBy) db.colorBy = colorBy end, default = defaults.colorBy, }, [3] = { type = "checkbox", name = "Color Target's Name", tooltip = "Color the target's name by reaction.", getFunc = function() return db.colorTargetName end, setFunc = function(value) db.colorTargetName = value if not db.colorTargetName then targetName:SetColor(1, 1, 1) end end, width = "half", default = defaults.colorTargetName, }, [4] = { type = "checkbox", name = "Color Target's Level", tooltip = "Color the target's level by difficulty.", getFunc = function() return db.colorTargetLevel end, setFunc = function(value) db.colorTargetLevel = value if not db.colorTargetLevel then targetLevel:SetColor(1, 1, 1) end end, width = "half", default = defaults.colorTargetLevel, }, [5] = { type = "header", name = "Alert Texture Options", }, [6] = { type = "checkbox", name = "Warning Texture", tooltip = "Display a warning texture for high level hostile targets.", getFunc = function() return db.warning end, setFunc = function(value) db.warning = value if db.warning and not warning then CreateWarningTexture() end end, width = "half", default = defaults.warning, }, [7] = { type = "slider", name = "Warning Threshold", tooltip = "Display the warning icon if the target is this many levels higher than you.", min = 2, max = 10, step = 1, getFunc = function() return db.warningLevel end, setFunc = function(value) db.warningLevel = value end, width = "half", default = defaults.warningLevel, }, [8] = { type = "checkbox", name = "Low Health Texture", tooltip = "Display a texture when your target's health gets low.", getFunc = function() return db.lowHealth end, setFunc = function(value) db.lowHealth = value if db.lowHealth and not lowHealth then CreateLowHealthTexture() end end, width = "half", default = defaults.lowHealth, }, [9] = { type = "slider", name = "Health Threshold", tooltip = "Display the low health texture if the target is at this health percentage.", min = 5, max = 95, step = 5, getFunc = function() return db.healthLevel end, setFunc = function(value) db.healthLevel = value end, width = "half", default = defaults.healthLevel, }, } local function CreateOptions() local LAM = LibStub("LibAddonMenu-2.0") LAM:RegisterAddonPanel("ZAMReactionColorsOptions", panelData) LAM:RegisterOptionControls("ZAMReactionColorsOptions", optionsData) end local function Initialize() ZAM_ReactionColorsDB = ZAM_ReactionColorsDB or {} for k,v in pairs(defaults) do if type(ZAM_ReactionColorsDB[k]) == "nil" then ZAM_ReactionColorsDB[k] = v end end db = ZAM_ReactionColorsDB if db.lowHealth then CreateLowHealthTexture() end if db.warning then CreateWarningTexture() end CreateOptions() end EVENT_MANAGER:RegisterForEvent("ZAM_ReactionColors", EVENT_RETICLE_TARGET_CHANGED, UpdateColor) EVENT_MANAGER:RegisterForEvent("ZAM_ReactionColors", EVENT_MOUSEOVER_CHANGED, UpdateColor) EVENT_MANAGER:RegisterForEvent("ZAM_ReactionColors", EVENT_DISPOSITION_UPDATE, UpdateColor) EVENT_MANAGER:RegisterForEvent("ZAM_ReactionColors", EVENT_POWER_UPDATE, function(event, unitTag, powerIndex, powerType, powerValue, powerMax, powerEffectiveMax) if unitTag == "reticleover" and db.lowHealth and powerType == POWERTYPE_HEALTH then lowHealth:SetHidden(powerValue/powerEffectiveMax*100 > db.healthLevel) end end) EVENT_MANAGER:RegisterForEvent("ZAM_ReactionColors", EVENT_ADD_ON_LOADED, function(event, addon) if addon == "ZAM_ReactionColors" then Initialize() end end) EVENT_MANAGER:RegisterForEvent("ZAM_ReactionColors", EVENT_LEVEL_UPDATE, function() playerLevel = GetUnitLevel("player") end)