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-- The Group Resource Protocol -- *bitArray* flags, *uint8* magicka percentage, *uint8* stamina percentage[, *uint16* magicka maximum, *uint16* stamina maximum] -- flags: -- 1: isFullUpdate - the user is sending max values in addition to percentages in this packet -- 2: requestsFullUpdate - the user does not have all the necessary data and wants to have a full update from everyone (e.g. after reloading the ui) -- 3: sharesPercentagesOnly - the user does not want to share maximum values -- 4: largeMagickaPool - the user has more than 2^16 magicka, so the value has been divided by 2; around 100k magicka seems to be the most that is possible right now -- 5: largeStaminaPool - the user has more than 2^16 stamina, so the value has been divided by 2 local LGS = LibStub("LibGroupSocket") local type, version = LGS.MESSAGE_TYPE_RESOURCES, 2 local handler, saveData = LGS:RegisterHandler(type, version) if(not handler) then return end local SKIP_CREATE = true local ON_RESOURCES_CHANGED = "OnResourcesChanged" local MIN_SEND_TIMEOUT = 2 local MIN_COMBAT_SEND_TIMEOUT = 1 local Log = LGS.Log handler.resources = {} local resources = handler.resources local sendFullUpdate = true local needFullUpdate = true local lastSendTime = 0 local defaultData = { version = 1, enabled = true, percentOnly = true, } local function GetCachedUnitResources(unitTag, skipCreate) local unitName = GetUnitName(unitTag) local unitResources = resources[unitName] if(not unitResources and not skipCreate) then resources[unitName] = { [POWERTYPE_MAGICKA] = { current = 1000, maximum = 1000, percent = 255 }, [POWERTYPE_STAMINA] = { current = 1000, maximum = 1000, percent = 255 }, percentageOnly = true, hasFullData = false, lastUpdate = 0, } unitResources = resources[unitName] end return unitResources end function handler:GetLastUpdateTime(unitTag) local unitResources = GetCachedUnitResources(unitTag, SKIP_CREATE) if(unitResources) then return unitResources.lastUpdate end return -1 end local function OnData(unitTag, data, isSelf) local index, bitIndex = 1, 1 local isFullUpdate, index, bitIndex = LGS:ReadBit(data, index, bitIndex) local requestsFullUpdate, index, bitIndex = LGS:ReadBit(data, index, bitIndex) local sharesPercentagesOnly, index, bitIndex = LGS:ReadBit(data, index, bitIndex) local largeMagickaPool, index, bitIndex = LGS:ReadBit(data, index, bitIndex) local largeStaminaPool, index, bitIndex = LGS:ReadBit(data, index, bitIndex) local hasMoreStamina, index, bitIndex = LGS:ReadBit(data, index, bitIndex) -- Log("OnData %s (%d byte): is full: %s, needs full: %s, percent only: %s", GetUnitName(unitTag), #data, tostring(isFullUpdate), tostring(requestsFullUpdate), tostring(sharesPercentagesOnly)) index = index + 1 if(not isSelf and requestsFullUpdate) then sendFullUpdate = true end local expectedLength = isFullUpdate and 7 or 3 if(#data < expectedLength) then Log("ResourceHandler received only %d of %d byte", #data, expectedLength) return end local unitResources = GetCachedUnitResources(unitTag) local magicka = unitResources[POWERTYPE_MAGICKA] local stamina = unitResources[POWERTYPE_STAMINA] unitResources.percentageOnly = sharesPercentagesOnly magicka.percent, index = LGS:ReadUint8(data, index) stamina.percent, index = LGS:ReadUint8(data, index) if(sharesPercentagesOnly) then magicka.maximum = 1000 stamina.maximum = 1000 if(hasMoreStamina) then stamina.maximum = stamina.maximum * 2 else magicka.maximum = magicka.maximum * 2 end unitResources.hasFullData = false elseif(isFullUpdate) then magicka.maximum, index = LGS:ReadUint16(data, index) if(largeMagickaPool) then magicka.maximum = magicka.maximum * 2 end stamina.maximum, index = LGS:ReadUint16(data, index) if(largeStaminaPool) then stamina.maximum = stamina.maximum * 2 end unitResources.hasFullData = true elseif(not unitResources.hasFullData and not isSelf) then needFullUpdate = true end magicka.current = math.floor((magicka.percent / 255) * magicka.maximum) stamina.current = math.floor((stamina.percent / 255) * stamina.maximum) unitResources.lastUpdate = GetTimeStamp() -- Log("magicka: %d/%d stamina: %d/%d", magicka.current, magicka.maximum, stamina.current, stamina.maximum), unitTag, magicka.current, magicka.maximum, stamina.current, stamina.maximum, isSelf) end function handler:RegisterForResourcesChanges(callback), callback) end function handler:UnregisterForResourcesChanges(callback), callback) end local function GetPowerValues(unitResources, powerType) local data = unitResources[powerType] local current, maximum = GetUnitPower("player", powerType) local percent = math.floor(current / maximum * 255) return data, current, maximum, percent end function handler:Send() if(not saveData.enabled or not IsUnitGrouped("player")) then return end local now = GetTimeStamp() local timeout = IsUnitInCombat("player") and MIN_COMBAT_SEND_TIMEOUT or MIN_SEND_TIMEOUT if(now - lastSendTime < timeout) then return end local unitResources = GetCachedUnitResources("player") local magicka, magickaCurrent, magickaMaximum, magickaPercent = GetPowerValues(unitResources, POWERTYPE_MAGICKA) local stamina, staminaCurrent, staminaMaximum, staminaPercent = GetPowerValues(unitResources, POWERTYPE_STAMINA) local percentOnly = saveData.percentOnly sendFullUpdate = sendFullUpdate or (not percentOnly and (magicka.maximum ~= magickaMaximum or stamina.maximum ~= staminaMaximum)) if(magicka.percent ~= magickaPercent or stamina.percent ~= staminaPercent or sendFullUpdate or needFullUpdate) then local largeMagickaPool = (magickaMaximum >= 2^16) local largeStaminaPool = (staminaMaximum >= 2^16) local hasMoreStamina = staminaMaximum > magickaMaximum local data = {} local index, bitIndex = 1, 1 index, bitIndex = LGS:WriteBit(data, index, bitIndex, (sendFullUpdate and not percentOnly)) index, bitIndex = LGS:WriteBit(data, index, bitIndex, needFullUpdate) index, bitIndex = LGS:WriteBit(data, index, bitIndex, percentOnly) if(sendFullUpdate and not percentOnly) then index, bitIndex = LGS:WriteBit(data, index, bitIndex, largeMagickaPool) index, bitIndex = LGS:WriteBit(data, index, bitIndex, largeStaminaPool) else index, bitIndex = LGS:WriteBit(data, index, bitIndex, false) index, bitIndex = LGS:WriteBit(data, index, bitIndex, false) end index, bitIndex = LGS:WriteBit(data, index, bitIndex, hasMoreStamina) index = index + 1 index = LGS:WriteUint8(data, index, magickaPercent) index = LGS:WriteUint8(data, index, staminaPercent) if(sendFullUpdate and not percentOnly) then if(largeMagickaPool) then magickaMaximum = math.floor(magickaMaximum / 2) end index = LGS:WriteUint16(data, index, magickaMaximum) if(largeStaminaPool) then staminaMaximum = math.floor(staminaMaximum / 2) end index = LGS:WriteUint16(data, index, staminaMaximum) end -- Log("Send %d byte: is full: %s, needs full: %s, percent only: %s", #data, tostring(sendFullUpdate), tostring(needFullUpdate), tostring(percentOnly)) if(LGS:Send(type, data)) then lastSendTime = now magicka.percent = magickaPercent stamina.percent = staminaPercent if(sendFullUpdate and not percentOnly) then if(largeMagickaPool) then magicka.maximum = magicka.maximum * 2 end magicka.maximum = magickaMaximum if(largeStaminaPool) then stamina.maximum = stamina.maximum * 2 end stamina.maximum = staminaMaximum end sendFullUpdate = false needFullUpdate = false end end end local function OnUpdate() handler:Send() end local isActive = false local function StartSending() if(not isActive and saveData.enabled and IsUnitGrouped("player")) then EVENT_MANAGER:RegisterForUpdate("LibGroupSocketResourceHandler", 1000, OnUpdate) isActive = true end end local function StopSending() if(isActive) then EVENT_MANAGER:UnregisterForUpdate("LibGroupSocketResourceHandler") isActive = false end end local function OnUnitCreated(_, unitTag) sendFullUpdate = true StartSending() end local function OnUnitDestroyed(_, unitTag) resources[GetUnitName(unitTag)] = nil if(isActive and not IsUnitGrouped("player")) then StopSending() end end function handler:InitializeSettings(optionsData, IsSendingDisabled) -- TODO: localization optionsData[#optionsData + 1] = { type = "header", name = "Resource Handler", } optionsData[#optionsData + 1] = { type = "checkbox", name = "Enable sending", tooltip = "Controls if the handler does send data. It will still receive and process incoming data.", getFunc = function() return saveData.enabled end, setFunc = function(value) saveData.enabled = value if(value) then StartSending() else StopSending() end end, disabled = IsSendingDisabled, default = defaultData.enabled } optionsData[#optionsData + 1] = { type = "checkbox", name = "Send percentages only", tooltip = "If this is turned on, your maximum resources won't be shared with your group members", getFunc = function() return saveData.percentOnly end, setFunc = function(value) saveData.percentOnly = value end, disabled = IsSendingDisabled, default = defaultData.percentOnly } end -- savedata becomes available twice in case the standalone lib is loaded local function InitializeSaveData(data) saveData = data if(not saveData.version) then ZO_DeepTableCopy(defaultData, saveData) end -- if(saveData.version == 1) then -- -- update it -- end end local function Unload(), handler.dataHandler)"savedata-ready", InitializeSaveData) EVENT_MANAGER:UnregisterForEvent("LibGroupSocketResourceHandler", EVENT_UNIT_CREATED) EVENT_MANAGER:UnregisterForEvent("LibGroupSocketResourceHandler", EVENT_UNIT_DESTROYED) StopSending() end local function Load() InitializeSaveData(saveData)"savedata-ready", function(data) InitializeSaveData(data.handlers[type]) end) handler.dataHandler = OnData, OnData) EVENT_MANAGER:RegisterForEvent("LibGroupSocketResourceHandler", EVENT_UNIT_CREATED, OnUnitCreated) EVENT_MANAGER:RegisterForEvent("LibGroupSocketResourceHandler", EVENT_UNIT_DESTROYED, OnUnitDestroyed) handler.Unload = Unload StartSending() end if(handler.Unload) then handler.Unload() end Load()