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--[[ Addon: Taos Group Tools Author: TProg Taonnor Created by @Taonnor ]]-- --[[ Local variables ]]-- local _logger = nil local _settingsHandler = TGT_SettingsHandler local _panel = nil local _options = nil local _lamPanel = nil local _trackedBuffs = TRACKED_BUFFS local _abitilyChoises = nil local _mainMenuName = "TaosGroupToolsSettingsMainMenu" --[[ Table SettingsWindow ]]-- TGT_SettingsWindow = {} TGT_SettingsWindow.__index = TGT_SettingsWindow --[[ =============== PRIVATE METHODS =============== ]]-- --[[ Creates global options ]]-- local function CreateOptions() -- GetOptions methods get options and adds them directly to the table _options = {} TGT_GlobalOptions.GetOptions(_options) TGT_GroupUltimateOptions.GetOptions(_options) TGT_GroupLeaderOptions.GetOptions(_options) TGT_GroupInviteOptions.GetOptions(_options) TGT_GroupDpsHpsOptions.GetOptions(_options) TGT_GroupFramesOptions.GetOptions(_options) TGT_GroupDetoOptions.GetOptions(_options) TGT_GroupPurgeOptions.GetOptions(_options) TGT_GroupSpeedOptions.GetOptions(_options) TGT_GroupEarthgoreOptions.GetOptions(_options) end --[[ Creates settings panel ]]-- local function CreatePanel(major, minor, patch) _panel = { type = "panel", name = "Taos Group Tools", author = "TProg Taonnor", version = major .. "." .. minor .. "." .. patch, slashCommand = "/taosGroupTools", registerForRefresh = true, registerForDefaults = true } end --[[ ============== PUBLIC METHODS ============== ]]-- --[[ GetBuffTrackerChoises Gets buff tracker choises ]]-- function TGT_SettingsWindow.GetBuffTrackerChoises() if (_abitilyChoises == nil) then local abitilyChoises = {} for index, ability in ipairs(_trackedBuffs) do abitilyChoises[index] = zo_strformat(SI_ABILITY_TOOLTIP_NAME, GetAbilityName(ability.IconId)) end _abitilyChoises = abitilyChoises end return _abitilyChoises end --[[ GetBuffIndex Gets buff index on base of buff AbilityId ]]-- function TGT_SettingsWindow.GetBuffIndex(id) for index, ability in ipairs(_trackedBuffs) do if (id == ability.IconId) then return index end end return -1 end --[[ GetBuffId Gets buff AbilityId on base of index ]]-- function TGT_SettingsWindow.GetBuffId(index) if (_trackedBuffs[index] ~= nil) then return _trackedBuffs[index].IconId end return -1 end --[[ Creates new color picker and returns it ]]-- function TGT_SettingsWindow.GetNewColorpicker(part, value, labelText, labelTooltip, disabledMethod) return { type = "colorpicker", name = labelText, tooltip = labelTooltip, getFunc = function() local color = _settingsHandler.SavedVariables.ModuleColors[part][value] return color.R, color.G, color.B, color.A end, setFunc = function(r,g,b,a) _settingsHandler.SavedVariables.ModuleColors[part][value] = { R = r, G = g, B = b, A = a } _settingsHandler.OnColorSettingsChanged(part) end, default = { r = TGT_DEFAULTS.ModuleColors[part][value].R, g = TGT_DEFAULTS.ModuleColors[part][value].G, b = TGT_DEFAULTS.ModuleColors[part][value].B, a = TGT_DEFAULTS.ModuleColors[part][value].A }, disabled = disabledMethod, } end --[[ Initialize creates settings window ]]-- function TGT_SettingsWindow.Initialize(major, minor, patch) _logger = TGT_LOGGER -- Workaround: To avoid "Too many anchors processed" error; Thank you ZOS for stealing hours of my life! zo_callLater(function() CreatePanel(major, minor, patch) CreateOptions() local LAM = LibStub("LibAddonMenu-2.0") _lamPanel = LAM:RegisterAddonPanel(_mainMenuName, _panel) TGT_GroupLeaderOptions.SetLamPanel(_lamPanel) LAM:RegisterOptionControls(_mainMenuName, _options) end, 1000) _logger:logTrace("TGT_SettingsWindow -> Initialized") end