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--[[ Addon: Taos Group Tools Author: TProg Taonnor Created by @Taonnor ]]-- --[[ Local variables ]]-- local _logger = nil local _name = "TGT-UltimateGroupHandler" local _ultimateGroups = nil --[[ Table TGT_UltimateGroupHandler ]]-- TGT_UltimateGroupHandler = {} TGT_UltimateGroupHandler.__index = TGT_UltimateGroupHandler --[[ =============== PRIVATE METHODS =============== ]]-- --[[ CreateUltimateGroups Creates UltimateGroups array ]]-- local function CreateUltimateGroups() -- Sorc local negate = {} negate.GroupName = "NEGATE" negate.GroupDescription = GetString(TGT_DESCRIPTIONS_NEGATE) negate.GroupAbilityPing = 1 negate.GroupAbilityId = 28341 local atro = {} atro.GroupName = "ATRO" atro.GroupDescription = GetString(TGT_DESCRIPTIONS_ATRO) atro.GroupAbilityPing = 2 atro.GroupAbilityId = 23634 local overload = {} overload.GroupName = "OVER" overload.GroupDescription = GetString(TGT_DESCRIPTIONS_OVER) overload.GroupAbilityPing = 3 overload.GroupAbilityId = 24785 -- Templar local sweep = {} sweep.GroupName = "SWEEP" sweep.GroupDescription = GetString(TGT_DESCRIPTIONS_SWEEP) sweep.GroupAbilityPing = 4 sweep.GroupAbilityId = 22138 local nova = {} nova.GroupName = "NOVA" nova.GroupDescription = GetString(TGT_DESCRIPTIONS_NOVA) nova.GroupAbilityPing = 5 nova.GroupAbilityId = 21752 local templarHeal = {} templarHeal.GroupName = "TPHEAL" templarHeal.GroupDescription = GetString(TGT_DESCRIPTIONS_TPHEAL) templarHeal.GroupAbilityPing = 6 templarHeal.GroupAbilityId = 22223 -- DK local standard = {} standard.GroupName = "STAND" standard.GroupDescription = GetString(TGT_DESCRIPTIONS_STAND) standard.GroupAbilityPing = 7 standard.GroupAbilityId = 28988 local leap = {} leap.GroupName = "LEAP" leap.GroupDescription = GetString(TGT_DESCRIPTIONS_LEAP) leap.GroupAbilityPing = 8 leap.GroupAbilityId = 29012 local magma = {} magma.GroupName = "MAGMA" magma.GroupDescription = GetString(TGT_DESCRIPTIONS_MAGMA) magma.GroupAbilityPing = 9 magma.GroupAbilityId = 15957 -- NB local stroke = {} stroke.GroupName = "STROKE" stroke.GroupDescription = GetString(TGT_DESCRIPTIONS_STROKE) stroke.GroupAbilityPing = 10 stroke.GroupAbilityId = 33398 local veil = {} veil.GroupName = "VEIL" veil.GroupDescription = GetString(TGT_DESCRIPTIONS_VEIL) veil.GroupAbilityPing = 11 veil.GroupAbilityId = 25411 local nbSoul = {} nbSoul.GroupName = "NBSOUL" nbSoul.GroupDescription = GetString(TGT_DESCRIPTIONS_NBSOUL) nbSoul.GroupAbilityPing = 12 nbSoul.GroupAbilityId = 25091 -- Warden -- BEAR not useful, its always up local wardenIce = {} wardenIce.GroupName = "FREEZE" wardenIce.GroupDescription = GetString(TGT_DESCRIPTIONS_FREEZE) wardenIce.GroupAbilityPing = 13 wardenIce.GroupAbilityId = 86109 local wardenHealing = {} wardenHealing.GroupName = "WDHEAL" wardenHealing.GroupDescription = GetString(TGT_DESCRIPTIONS_WDHEAL) wardenHealing.GroupAbilityPing = 14 wardenHealing.GroupAbilityId = 85532 -- Destro local staffDestro = {} staffDestro.GroupName = "DESTRO" staffDestro.GroupDescription = GetString(TGT_DESCRIPTIONS_DESTRO) staffDestro.GroupAbilityPing = 15 staffDestro.GroupAbilityId = 83619 -- Restro local staffHeal = {} staffHeal.GroupName = "STHEAL" staffHeal.GroupDescription = GetString(TGT_DESCRIPTIONS_STHEAL) staffHeal.GroupAbilityPing = 16 staffHeal.GroupAbilityId = 83552 -- 2H local twoHand = {} twoHand.GroupName = "BERSERK" twoHand.GroupDescription = GetString(TGT_DESCRIPTIONS_BERSERK) twoHand.GroupAbilityPing = 17 twoHand.GroupAbilityId = 83216 -- SB local shield = {} shield.GroupName = "SHIELD" shield.GroupDescription = GetString(TGT_DESCRIPTIONS_SHIELD) shield.GroupAbilityPing = 18 shield.GroupAbilityId = 83272 -- DW local dual = {} dual.GroupName = "DUAL" dual.GroupDescription = GetString(TGT_DESCRIPTIONS_DUAL) dual.GroupAbilityPing = 19 dual.GroupAbilityId = 83600 -- BOW local bow = {} bow.GroupName = "BOW" bow.GroupDescription = GetString(TGT_DESCRIPTIONS_BOW) bow.GroupAbilityPing = 20 bow.GroupAbilityId = 83465 -- Soul local soul = {} soul.GroupName = "SOUL" soul.GroupDescription = GetString(TGT_DESCRIPTIONS_SOUL) soul.GroupAbilityPing = 21 soul.GroupAbilityId = 39270 -- Werewolf local werewolf = {} werewolf.GroupName = "WERE" werewolf.GroupDescription = GetString(TGT_DESCRIPTIONS_WERE) werewolf.GroupAbilityPing = 22 werewolf.GroupAbilityId = 32455 -- Vamp local vamp = {} vamp.GroupName = "VAMP" vamp.GroupDescription = GetString(TGT_DESCRIPTIONS_VAMP) vamp.GroupAbilityPing = 23 vamp.GroupAbilityId = 32624 -- Mageguild local meteor = {} meteor.GroupName = "METEOR" meteor.GroupDescription = GetString(TGT_DESCRIPTIONS_METEOR) meteor.GroupAbilityPing = 24 meteor.GroupAbilityId = 16536 -- Fighterguild local dawnbreaker = {} dawnbreaker.GroupName = "DAWN" dawnbreaker.GroupDescription = GetString(TGT_DESCRIPTIONS_DAWN) dawnbreaker.GroupAbilityPing = 25 dawnbreaker.GroupAbilityId = 35713 -- Support local barrier = {} barrier.GroupName = "BARRIER" barrier.GroupDescription = GetString(TGT_DESCRIPTIONS_BARRIER) barrier.GroupAbilityPing = 26 barrier.GroupAbilityId = 38573 -- Assault local horn = {} horn.GroupName = "HORN" horn.GroupDescription = GetString(TGT_DESCRIPTIONS_HORN) horn.GroupAbilityPing = 27 horn.GroupAbilityId = 38563 --Goliath local goliath = {} goliath.GroupName = "GOLIATH" goliath.GroupDescription = GetString(TGT_DESCRIPTIONS_GOLIATH) goliath.GroupAbilityPing = 28 goliath.GroupAbilityId = 115001 --Colossus local colossus = {} colossus.GroupName = "COLOSSUS" colossus.GroupDescription = GetString(TGT_DESCRIPTIONS_COLOSSUS) colossus.GroupAbilityPing = 29 colossus.GroupAbilityId = 122174 --Reanimate local reanimate = {} reanimate.GroupName = "REANIMATE" reanimate.GroupDescription = GetString(TGT_DESCRIPTIONS_REANIMATE) reanimate.GroupAbilityPing = 30 reanimate.GroupAbilityId = 115410 -- Add groups _ultimateGroups = { negate, atro, overload, sweep, nova, templarHeal, standard, leap, magma, stroke, veil, nbSoul, wardenIce, wardenHealing, staffDestro, staffHeal, twoHand, shield, dual, bow, soul, werewolf, vamp, meteor, dawnbreaker, barrier, horn, goliath, colossus, reanimate } end --[[ ============== PUBLIC METHODS ============== ]]-- --[[ GetUltimateGroupByAbilityPing gets the ultimate group from given ability ping ]]-- function TGT_UltimateGroupHandler.GetUltimateGroupByAbilityPing(abilityPing) for i, group in pairs(_ultimateGroups) do if (group.GroupAbilityPing == abilityPing) then return group end end -- not found _logger:logError("UltimateGroupHandler -> GetUltimateGroupByAbilityPing; AbilityId not found " .. tostring(abilityPing)) return nil end --[[ GetUltimateGroupByAbilityId gets the ultimate group from given ability ID ]]-- function TGT_UltimateGroupHandler.GetUltimateGroupByAbilityId(abilityID) for i, group in pairs(_ultimateGroups) do if (group.GroupAbilityId == abilityID) then return group end end -- not found _logger:logError("UltimateGroupHandler -> GetUltimateGroupByAbilityId; AbilityId not found " .. tostring(abilityID)) return nil end --[[ GetUltimateGroupByGroupName gets the ultimate group from given group name ]]-- function TGT_UltimateGroupHandler.GetUltimateGroupByGroupName(groupName) for i, group in pairs(_ultimateGroups) do if (string.lower(group.GroupName) == string.lower(groupName)) then return group end end -- not found _logger:logError("UltimateGroupHandler -> GetUltimateGroupByGroupName; GroupName not found " .. tostring(groupName)) return nil end --[[ GetUltimateGroups gets all ultimate groups ]]-- function TGT_UltimateGroupHandler.GetUltimateGroups() return _ultimateGroups end --[[ Initialize initializes TGT_UltimateGroupHandler ]]-- function TGT_UltimateGroupHandler.Initialize() _logger = TGT_LOGGER CreateUltimateGroups() _logger:logTrace("TGT_UltimateGroupHandler -> Initialized") end