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--[[ Addon: Taos Group Tools Author: TProg Taonnor Created by @Taonnor ]]-- --[[ Global callbacks ]]-- TGT_PLAYER_ACTIVATED = "TGT-PlayerActivated" TGT_PLAYER_DATA_OFFLINE_CHANGED = "TGT-PlayerDataOfflineChanged" TGT_PLAYER_DATA_BUFFS_CHANGED = "TGT-PlayerDataBuffsChanged" TGT_PLAYER_DATA_REMOTE_CHANGED = "TGT-PlayerDataRemoteChanged" TGT_PLAYER_DATA_REFRESH = "TGT-PlayerHandlerRefresh" TGT_PLAYER_DATA_CLEAR = "TGT-PlayerDataClear" TGT_PLAYER_DATA_SUB_GROUP_CHANGED = "TGT-PlayerDataSubGroupChanged" TGT_PLAYER_DATA_PURGE_CHANGED = "TGT-PlayerDataPurgeChanged" --[[ Global values ]]-- PLAYERTIMEOUT = 4 -- s; GetTimeStamp() is in seconds COMBATTIMEOUT = 30000 -- ms --[[ Local variables ]]-- -- Set to local for faster access local MESSAGE_PLAYER_RESOURCES = MESSAGE_PLAYER_RESOURCES local MESSAGE_PLAYER_DPS = MESSAGE_PLAYER_DPS local MESSAGE_PLAYER_HPS = MESSAGE_PLAYER_HPS local REFRESHRATE = 1000 -- ms; RegisterForUpdate is in miliseconds local TIMEOUT = PLAYERTIMEOUT local EARTHGORE_ID = 97855 local EARTHGORE_CD = 35000 -- ms local EARTHGORE = EARTHGORE_ICON_ID local _logger = nil local _settingsHandler = TGT_SettingsHandler local _name = "TGT-PlayerHandler" local _playerMyself = nil local _groupPlayers = {} local _lastCombatTimestamp = 0 local _lastGarbageCollectionTimestamp = 0 local _foodBuffs = FOOD_BUFFS local _trackedBuffs = TRACKED_BUFFS local _trackedSpecificBuffs = { [EARTHGORE_ICON_ID] = {}, [DETONATON_ICON_ID] = {}, [SPEEDBUFF_ICON_ID] = {}, } --[[ Table TGT_PlayerHandler ]]-- TGT_PlayerHandler = {} TGT_PlayerHandler.__index = TGT_PlayerHandler --[[ ============== PRIVATE METHODS ============== ]]-- --[[ GetAllReceivedHealing gets healing from all players ]]-- local function GetAllReceivedHealing() local healingSum = 0 for i, player in pairs(_groupPlayers) do healingSum = healingSum + player.HealingReceived end return healingSum end --[[ UpdateAllRelativeHeal updates all relative heal ]]-- local function UpdateAllRelativeHeal() local allReceivedHealing = GetAllReceivedHealing() for i, player in pairs(_groupPlayers) do player.HealingReceivedRelative = player.HealingReceived / allReceivedHealing * 100 end end --[[ ResetAllPlayerHeal resets all player heal ]]-- local function ResetAllPlayerHeal() for i, player in pairs(_groupPlayers) do player.HealingReceived = 0 player.HealingReceivedRelative = 0 end end --[[ UpdatePlayerHps updates player hps from pingPlayer ]]-- local function UpdatePlayerHps(player, pingPlayer) if (pingPlayer.HealingReceived > 0) then player.HealingReceived = player.HealingReceived + pingPlayer.HealingReceived UpdateAllRelativeHeal() elseif (pingPlayer.HealingReceived == 0) then ResetAllPlayerHeal() else _logger:logError("PlayerHandler -> UpdatePlayerHps; HealingReceived unexpected value", pingPlayer.HealingReceived) end end --[[ GetAllReceivedDamage gets damage from all players ]]-- local function GetAllReceivedDamage() local damageSum = 0 for i, player in pairs(_groupPlayers) do damageSum = damageSum + player.DamageReceived end return damageSum end --[[ UpdateAllRelativeDmg updates all relative dmg ]]-- local function UpdateAllRelativeDmg() local allReceivedDmg = GetAllReceivedDamage() for i, player in pairs(_groupPlayers) do player.DamageReceivedRelative = player.DamageReceived / allReceivedDmg * 100 end end --[[ ResetAllPlayerDmg resets all player dmg ]]-- local function ResetAllPlayerDmg() for i, player in pairs(_groupPlayers) do player.DamageReceived = 0 player.DamageReceivedRelative = 0 end end --[[ UpdatePlayerDps updates player dps from pingPlayer ]]-- local function UpdatePlayerDps(player, pingPlayer) if (pingPlayer.DamageReceived > 0) then player.DamageReceived = player.DamageReceived + pingPlayer.DamageReceived UpdateAllRelativeDmg() elseif (pingPlayer.DamageReceived == 0) then ResetAllPlayerDmg() else _logger:logError("PlayerHandler -> UpdatePlayerDps; DamageReceived unexpected value", pingPlayer.DamageReceived) end end --[[ UpdatePlayerResources updates player resources from pingPlayer ]]-- local function UpdatePlayerResources(player, pingPlayer) -- Update UltimateGroup or Earthgore, if procced if (pingPlayer.IsEarthgoreProcced) then -- -1000, because of lag player.IsEarthgoreProccedTimestamp = GetGameTimeMilliseconds() - 1000 else if (player.UltimateGroup == nil or player.UltimateGroup.GroupAbilityPing ~= pingPlayer.GroupAbilityPing) then local ultimateGroup = TGT_UltimateGroupHandler.GetUltimateGroupByAbilityPing(pingPlayer.GroupAbilityPing) local ultimateName = GetAbilityName(ultimateGroup.GroupAbilityId) local ultimateIcon = GetAbilityIcon(ultimateGroup.GroupAbilityId) player.UltimateGroup = ultimateGroup player.UltimateName = ultimateName player.UltimateIcon = ultimateIcon end end -- Update relative ultimate if (player.IsPlayerDead) then player.RelativeUltimate = 0 else if (player.RelativeUltimate ~= pingPlayer.RelativeUltimate) then -- play sound if ultimate ready if (player.RelativeUltimate < 100 and pingPlayer.RelativeUltimate >= 100) then local sound = TGT_SettingsHandler.SavedVariables.SoundOnReady if (sound[1] > 1) then PlaySound(SOUNDS[sound[2]]) end end -- play sound if ultimate raised if (player.RelativeUltimate >= 100 and pingPlayer.RelativeUltimate < 100) then local sound = TGT_SettingsHandler.SavedVariables.SoundOnThrown if (sound[1] > 1) then PlaySound(SOUNDS[sound[2]]) end end player.RelativeUltimate = pingPlayer.RelativeUltimate end end -- Update relative magicka if (player.RelativeMagicka ~= pingPlayer.RelativeMagicka) then player.RelativeMagicka = pingPlayer.RelativeMagicka end -- Update relative stamina if (player.RelativeStamina ~= pingPlayer.RelativeStamina) then player.RelativeStamina = pingPlayer.RelativeStamina end end --[[ UpdateFoodBuff on player ]]-- local function UpdateFoodBuff(player) -- Reset first player.FoodBuffActive = false player.FoodBuffIcon = nil -- Iterate buffs and set new for i = 1, GetNumBuffs(player.PingTag) do local _, _, _, _, _, iconFile, _, _, _, _, abilityId = GetUnitBuffInfo(player.PingTag, i) if (_foodBuffs[abilityId] ~= nil) then player.FoodBuffActive = true player.FoodBuffIcon = iconFile break end end end --[[ GetNewPlayer Gets new empty player ]]-- local function GetNewPlayer(pingTag) local current, max, effectiveMax = GetUnitPower(pingTag, POWERTYPE_HEALTH) local relativeHealth = math.floor((current / max * 100)) if (relativeHealth > 100) then relativeHealth = 100 end local playerName = GetUnitName(pingTag) local newPlayer = { PingTag = pingTag, PlayerPosition = tonumber(pingTag:match('(%d+)$')), GroupIdentifer = _settingsHandler.SavedVariables.PlayerFrameGroups[playerName], PlayerName = playerName, IsPlayerDead = IsUnitDead(pingTag), IsPlayerInCombat = IsUnitInCombat(pingTag), IsPlayerTimedOut = true, IsPlayerOnline = true, LastMapPingTimestamp = 0, UltimateName = nil, UltimateIcon = nil, UltimateGroup = nil, CurentHealth = current, CurrentHealthPool = max, RelativeHealth = (current / max * 100), RelativeUltimate = 0, RelativeMagicka = 0, RelativeStamina = 0, CurrentShield = 0, RelativeShield = 0, DamageDone = 0, HealingDone = 0, DamageToSend = 0, HealingToSend = 0, DamageReceived = 0, DamageReceivedRelative = 0, HealingReceived = 0, HealingReceivedRelative = 0, IsEarthgoreProcced = false, IsEarthgoreProccedTimestamp = 0, Buffs = {}, FoodBuffActive = false, FoodBuffIcon = nil, PurgableDebuffs = 0, IsPurgable = false } -- Updates Buffs UpdateFoodBuff(newPlayer) return newPlayer end --[[ SetUltimate Sets PlayerMyself ultimate; called on TGT_STATIC_ULTIMATE_ID_CHANGED ]]-- local function SetUltimate(staticUltimateID) _playerMyself.UltimateGroup = TGT_UltimateGroupHandler.GetUltimateGroupByAbilityId(staticUltimateID) end --[[ UpdatePlayers Removes player if left; called on TAO_GROUP_CHANGED ]]-- local function UpdatePlayers(playerName, isJoined) if (playerName ~= "" or playerName ~= nil) then -- Player joined if (isJoined) then if (_groupPlayers[playerName] == nil) then local isGroupMember, unitTag = IsTargetGroupMember(playerName) if (isGroupMember) then local player = GetNewPlayer(unitTag) _groupPlayers[playerName] = player FireCallbacksAsync(TGT_PLAYER_DATA_OFFLINE_CHANGED, player) else _logger:logDebug("isGroupMember == false", unitTag, playerName) end end -- Player left else if (_groupPlayers[playerName] ~= nil) then local player = _groupPlayers[playerName] FireCallbacksAsync(TGT_PLAYER_DATA_CLEAR, player) _groupPlayers[playerName] = nil end end else _logger:logError("PlayerHandler -> UpdatePlayers; playerName invalid", playerName) end -- Prevent spam if (GetGameTimeMilliseconds() - _lastGarbageCollectionTimestamp > 10000) then _lastGarbageCollectionTimestamp = GetGameTimeMilliseconds() collectgarbage() end end --[[ UpdateGroup Add or removes complete groupPlayers list; called on TAO_UNIT_GROUPED_CHANGED ]]-- local function UpdateGroup(isGrouped) for i,player in pairs(_groupPlayers) do if (isGrouped) then local isGroupMember, unitTag = IsTargetGroupMember(player.PlayerName) if (not isGroupMember) then FireCallbacksAsync(TGT_PLAYER_DATA_CLEAR, player) _groupPlayers[player.PlayerName] = nil end else FireCallbacksAsync(TGT_PLAYER_DATA_CLEAR, player) _groupPlayers[player.PlayerName] = nil end end -- Add all group players, which not already in group list if (isGrouped) then for i = 1, GetGroupSize() do local unitTag = GetGroupUnitTagByIndex(i) if (unitTag) then local playerName = GetUnitName(unitTag) if (_groupPlayers[playerName] == nil) then local player = GetNewPlayer(unitTag) _groupPlayers[playerName] = player FireCallbacksAsync(TGT_PLAYER_DATA_OFFLINE_CHANGED, player) else -- Refresh tag / position local player = _groupPlayers[playerName] player.PingTag = unitTag player.PlayerPosition = tonumber(unitTag:match('(%d+)$')) end end end end -- Prevent spam if (GetGameTimeMilliseconds() - _lastGarbageCollectionTimestamp > 10000) then _lastGarbageCollectionTimestamp = GetGameTimeMilliseconds() collectgarbage() end end --[[ OnCombatEvent Handles several combat events; called on EVENT_COMBAT_EVENT ]]-- local function OnCombatEvent(eventCode, result, isError, abilityName, graphic, actionSlotType, sourceName, sourceType, targetName, targetType, hitValue, powerType, damageType, log, sourceUnitID, targetUnitID, abilityID) -- Actions local isMyAction = (sourceType == COMBAT_UNIT_TYPE_PLAYER) or (sourceType == COMBAT_UNIT_TYPE_PLAYER_PET) local isDmgAction = (result == ACTION_RESULT_DAMAGE) or (result == ACTION_RESULT_CRITICAL_DAMAGE) or (result == ACTION_RESULT_DOT_TICK) or (result == ACTION_RESULT_DOT_TICK_CRITICAL) local isHealAction = (result == ACTION_RESULT_HEAL) or (result == ACTION_RESULT_CRITICAL_HEAL) or (result == ACTION_RESULT_HOT_TICK) or (result == ACTION_RESULT_HOT_TICK_CRITICAL) -- DMG if (isMyAction and isDmgAction and (sourceName ~= targetName) and (hitValue > 0)) then _playerMyself.DamageDone = _playerMyself.DamageDone + hitValue end -- HEAL local isTargetGroupMember, unitTag = IsTargetGroupMember(targetName) if (isMyAction and isHealAction and (sourceName ~= targetName) and (hitValue > 0) and isTargetGroupMember) then local currentHealth, maxHealth, effectiveMaxHealth = GetUnitPower(unitTag, POWERTYPE_HEALTH) -- Realy healed? if (currentHealth ~= maxHealth) then _playerMyself.HealingDone = _playerMyself.HealingDone + hitValue end end end --[[ IsTrackedBuff Checks abilityId or IconName, because ZOS buff/debuff tracking sends inconsistend values for abilityId's ]]-- local function IsTrackedBuff(abilityId, iconName) -- Check specific buffs like speedbuff, deto, earthgore if (_trackedSpecificBuffs[abilityId] ~= nil) then return true, abilityId end -- Check buffs via icons for i, buff in ipairs(_trackedBuffs) do if (string.match(iconName, buff.IconName)) then return true, buff.IconId -- found end end -- Nothing found return false, nil end --[[ IsPurgableEffect Checks several values, because ZOS buff/debuff tracking sends inconsistend values for abilities ]]-- local function IsPurgableEffect(abilityId, abilityType, statusEffectType) local purgableAbilities = { [15775] = {}, -- Öl [15776] = {}, -- Öl [28480] = {}, -- Feuerballiste [66243] = {}, -- Kalthafen Feuerballiste [25869] = {}, -- Feuertopf-Tribok [66247] = {}, -- Feuertopf-Tribok [20528] = {}, -- DK Krallen [31898] = {}, -- DK Krallen [104825] = {}, -- Warden Eis [44549] = {}, -- Bogen Gift [89491] = {}, -- Heimsuchender Fluch [28452] = {}, -- Daedrisches Grabmal } local isPurgableAbility = purgableAbilities[abilityId] ~= nil local isPurgableAbilityType = abilityType == ABILITY_TYPE_STUN or abilityType == ABILITY_TYPE_DISORIENT or abilityType == ABILITY_TYPE_FEAR local isPurgableStatusEffect = statusEffectType == STATUS_EFFECT_TYPE_DISEASE or statusEffectType == STATUS_EFFECT_TYPE_MESMERIZE or statusEffectType == STATUS_EFFECT_TYPE_ROOT or statusEffectType == STATUS_EFFECT_TYPE_STUN return isPurgableAbility or isPurgableAbilityType or isPurgableStatusEffect end --[[ OnEffectChangedEvent Handles several effect events; called on EVENT_EFFECT_CHANGED ]]-- local function OnEffectChangedEvent(eventCode, changeType, effectSlot, effectName, unitTag, beginTime, endTime, stackCount, iconName, buffType, effectType, abilityType, statusEffectType, unitName, unitId, abilityId, sourceType) local isMyself = sourceType == COMBAT_UNIT_TYPE_PLAYER local isGroupPlayer = string.match(unitTag, "group") local isGained = changeType == EFFECT_RESULT_GAINED local isFaded = changeType == EFFECT_RESULT_FADED -- Earthgore if (abilityId == EARTHGORE_ID and isGained and isMyself) then _playerMyself.IsEarthgoreProcced = true end -- TODO: To find further purgable skills if (GetUnitName(unitTag) == GetUnitName("player")) then _logger:logDebug(effectName, unitTag, unitName, abilityId, changeType) --_logger:logDebug(iconName, buffType, effectType, abilityType, statusEffectType) end if (isGroupPlayer) then -- Purge if (IsPurgableEffect(abilityId, abilityType, statusEffectType)) then local playerName = GetUnitName(unitTag) if (_groupPlayers[playerName] ~= nil) then local player = _groupPlayers[playerName] if (changeType == EFFECT_RESULT_GAINED) then if (player.PurgableDebuffs < 0) then -- to prevent purgable debuffs are smaller than zero, because ZOS api sends sometimes updates after death or not player.PurgableDebuffs = 0 end player.PurgableDebuffs = player.PurgableDebuffs + 1 player.IsPurgable = true --_logger:logDebug(playerName, "Purge add", effectName, abilityId, player.PurgableDebuffs) elseif (changeType == EFFECT_RESULT_FADED) then player.PurgableDebuffs = player.PurgableDebuffs - 1 if (player.PurgableDebuffs <= 0) then player.PurgableDebuffs = 0 player.IsPurgable = false --_logger:logDebug(playerName, "Purge remove", effectName, abilityId, player.PurgableDebuffs) else --_logger:logDebug(playerName, "Purge remove and update", effectName, abilityId, player.PurgableDebuffs) end else player.IsPurgable = player.PurgableDebuffs > 0 --_logger:logDebug(playerName, "Purge update", effectName, abilityId, player.PurgableDebuffs) end FireCallbacksAsync(TGT_PLAYER_DATA_PURGE_CHANGED, player) end end -- TrackedBuffs local isTrackedBuff, iconId = IsTrackedBuff(abilityId, iconName) if (isTrackedBuff) then local playerName = GetUnitName(unitTag) if (_groupPlayers[playerName] ~= nil) then local player = _groupPlayers[playerName] if (changeType == EFFECT_RESULT_GAINED) then player.Buffs[iconId] = { isActive = true, startTime = beginTime, finishTime = endTime } elseif (changeType == EFFECT_RESULT_FADED) then player.Buffs[iconId] = { isActive = false, startTime = beginTime, finishTime = endTime } else player.Buffs[iconId] = { isActive = true, startTime = beginTime, finishTime = endTime } end FireCallbacksAsync(TGT_PLAYER_DATA_BUFFS_CHANGED, player, iconId) end end end end --[[ UpdatePlayerHealth updates player health and fires TGT_PLAYER_DATA_OFFLINE_CHANGED ]]-- local function UpdatePlayerHealth(player, powerPool, powerPoolMax) local isPlayerDead = IsUnitDead(player.PingTag) if (isPlayerDead or powerPool == 0) then player.CurentHealth = 0 player.IsPlayerDead = true -- to prevent purgable debuffs will not disappear, because ZOS api sends sometimes updates after death or not player.PurgableDebuffs = 0 player.IsPurgable = false FireCallbacksAsync(TGT_PLAYER_DATA_PURGE_CHANGED, player) else player.CurentHealth = powerPool player.IsPlayerDead = false end player.CurrentHealthPool = powerPoolMax local relativeHealth = math.floor((powerPool / powerPoolMax * 100)) if (relativeHealth > 100) then relativeHealth = 100 end player.RelativeHealth = relativeHealth FireCallbacksAsync(TGT_PLAYER_DATA_OFFLINE_CHANGED, player) end --[[ OnPowerUpdate Handles several player pool events; called on EVENT_POWER_UPDATE ]]-- local function OnPowerUpdate(evt, unitTag, powerPoolIndex, powerType, powerPool, powerPoolMax) if (powerType == POWERTYPE_HEALTH) then local playerName = GetUnitName(unitTag) if (TGT_MOCKED) then local isNotMyself = string.find(playerName, "reticleover") if (isNotMyself == nil) then for i,player in pairs(_groupPlayers) do UpdatePlayerHealth(player, powerPool, powerPoolMax) end end else if (_groupPlayers[playerName] ~= nil) then local player = _groupPlayers[playerName] UpdatePlayerHealth(player, powerPool, powerPoolMax) end end end end --[[ UpdatePlayerShield updates player shield and fires TGT_PLAYER_DATA_OFFLINE_CHANGED ]]-- local function UpdatePlayerShield(player, value) local isPlayerDead = IsUnitDead(player.PingTag) player.IsPlayerDead = isPlayerDead if (isPlayerDead) then player.CurrentShield = 0 else player.CurrentShield = value local relativeShield = math.floor((value / player.CurrentHealthPool * 100)) if (relativeShield > 100) then relativeShield = 100 end player.RelativeShield = relativeShield end FireCallbacksAsync(TGT_PLAYER_DATA_OFFLINE_CHANGED, player) end --[[ HandleVisualEvents Handles visual events from different base handlers ]]-- local function HandleVisualEvents(unitTag, powerType, visualType, value) if (powerType == POWERTYPE_HEALTH) then -- Shield if (visualType == ATTRIBUTE_VISUAL_POWER_SHIELDING) then local playerName = GetUnitName(unitTag) if (TGT_MOCKED) then local isNotMyself = string.find(playerName, "reticleover") if (isNotMyself == nil) then for i,player in pairs(_groupPlayers) do UpdatePlayerShield(player, value) end end else if (_groupPlayers[playerName] ~= nil) then local player = _groupPlayers[playerName] UpdatePlayerShield(player, value) end end end end end --[[ OnVisualAdded Handles EVENT_UNIT_ATTRIBUTE_VISUAL_ADDED events ]]-- local function OnVisualAdded(evt, unitTag, visualType, stat, attribute, powerType, value, maxValue) HandleVisualEvents(unitTag, powerType, visualType, value) end --[[ OnVisualUpdated Handles EVENT_UNIT_ATTRIBUTE_VISUAL_UPDATED events ]]-- local function OnVisualUpdated(evt, unitTag, visualType, stat, attribute, powerType, oldValue, newValue, oldMaxValue, newMaxValue) HandleVisualEvents(unitTag, powerType, visualType, newValue) end --[[ OnVisualRemoved Handles EVENT_UNIT_ATTRIBUTE_VISUAL_REMOVED events ]]-- local function OnVisualRemoved(evt, unitTag, visualType, stat, attribute, powerType, value, maxValue) HandleVisualEvents(unitTag, powerType, visualType, 0) end --[[ OnPlayerActivated fires TGT_PLAYER_ACTIVATED callbacks ]]-- local function OnPlayerActivated(eventCode) FireCallbacksAsync(TGT_PLAYER_ACTIVATED) for i,player in pairs(_groupPlayers) do UpdateFoodBuff(player) local health, maxHealth = GetUnitPower(player.PingTag, POWERTYPE_HEALTH) UpdatePlayerHealth(player, health, maxHealth) -- Calls update offline player FireCallbacksAsync(TGT_PLAYER_DATA_REMOTE_CHANGED, player) end FireCallbacksAsync(TGT_PLAYER_DATA_REFRESH) end --[[ UpdatePlayerData Updates group player data ]]-- local function UpdatePlayerData(pingPlayer) local playerName = GetUnitName(pingPlayer.PingTag) if (string.len(playerName) > 0) then local player = nil if (_groupPlayers[playerName] == nil) then -- Should not happens, especially in MOCKED mode _logger:logError("PlayerHandler -> UpdatePlayerData; Added player via UpdatePlayerData", playerName) player = GetNewPlayer(pingPlayer.PingTag) _groupPlayers[playerName] = player else player = _groupPlayers[playerName] -- Refresh tag / position player.PingTag = pingPlayer.PingTag player.PlayerPosition = tonumber(pingPlayer.PingTag:match('(%d+)$')) end -- Update timestamp player.LastMapPingTimestamp = GetTimeStamp() if (pingPlayer.MessageType == MESSAGE_PLAYER_RESOURCES) then UpdatePlayerResources(player, pingPlayer) elseif (pingPlayer.MessageType == MESSAGE_PLAYER_DPS) then UpdatePlayerDps(player, pingPlayer) elseif (pingPlayer.MessageType == MESSAGE_PLAYER_HPS) then UpdatePlayerHps(player, pingPlayer) else -- should not happen _logger:logError(zo_strformat("PlayerHandler -> UpdatePlayerData; Message Type not valid (<<1>>)", messageType)) end -- Update Earthgore procc; If last earthgore timestamp < EARTHGORE_CD, procc is on CD (true); otherwhise false local lastProcDifference = GetGameTimeMilliseconds() - player.IsEarthgoreProccedTimestamp player.Buffs[EARTHGORE] = { isActive = lastProcDifference < EARTHGORE_CD, startTime = 0, finishTime = 0 } -- update the player FireCallbacksAsync(TGT_PLAYER_DATA_REMOTE_CHANGED, player) else _logger:logError("PlayerHandler -> UpdatePlayerData; Ping Player name empty", pingPlayer.PingTag) end -- Clear ping player pingPlayer = nil end --[[ GetMyselfData Gets PlayerMyself and updates values before ]]-- local function GetMyselfData(messageType) -- Update combat timestamp if (IsGroupInCombat()) then _lastCombatTimestamp = GetGameTimeMilliseconds() end -- get combatPause local combatPause = math.abs(_lastCombatTimestamp - GetGameTimeMilliseconds()) -- update needed local updateNeeded = true -- Get current image of player resources if (messageType == MESSAGE_PLAYER_RESOURCES) then local currentUltimate, maxUltimate, effectiveMaxUltimate = GetUnitPower("player", POWERTYPE_ULTIMATE) local ultimateCost = math.max(1, GetAbilityCost(_playerMyself.UltimateGroup.GroupAbilityId)) local relativeUltimate = math.floor((currentUltimate / ultimateCost) * 100) if (relativeUltimate > 100) then relativeUltimate = 100 end local currentMagicka, maxMagicka, effectiveMaxMagicka = GetUnitPower("player", POWERTYPE_MAGICKA) local relativeMagicka = math.floor((currentMagicka / maxMagicka) * 100) if (relativeMagicka > 100) then relativeMagicka = 100 end local currentStamina, maxStamina, effectiveMaxStamina = GetUnitPower("player", POWERTYPE_STAMINA) local relativeStamina = math.floor((currentStamina / maxStamina) * 100) if (relativeStamina > 100) then relativeStamina = 100 end _playerMyself.RelativeUltimate = relativeUltimate _playerMyself.RelativeMagicka = relativeMagicka _playerMyself.RelativeStamina = relativeStamina elseif (messageType == MESSAGE_PLAYER_DPS) then if (_playerMyself.DamageDone > 0) then _playerMyself.DamageToSend = _playerMyself.DamageDone _playerMyself.DamageDone = _playerMyself.DamageDone - _playerMyself.DamageToSend else if (combatPause >= COMBATTIMEOUT) then _playerMyself.DamageToSend = 0 else -- Damage not changed updateNeeded = false end end elseif (messageType == MESSAGE_PLAYER_HPS) then if (_playerMyself.HealingDone > 0) then _playerMyself.HealingToSend = _playerMyself.HealingDone _playerMyself.HealingDone = _playerMyself.HealingDone - _playerMyself.HealingToSend else if (combatPause >= COMBATTIMEOUT) then _playerMyself.HealingToSend = 0 else -- Healing not changed updateNeeded = false end end end return _playerMyself, updateNeeded end --[[ UpdatePlayerStatus updates offline, online timedout, combat values and fires TGT_PLAYER_DATA_REFRESH callbacks, if needed ]]-- local function UpdatePlayerStatus() for i,player in pairs(_groupPlayers) do -- Update timeout local isPlayerTimedOut = (GetTimeStamp() - player.LastMapPingTimestamp) >= PLAYERTIMEOUT if (player.IsPlayerTimedOut ~= isPlayerTimedOut) then player.IsPlayerTimedOut = isPlayerTimedOut FireCallbacksAsync(TGT_PLAYER_DATA_REMOTE_CHANGED, player) end -- Update Offline/Online local isOnline = IsUnitOnline(player.PingTag) if (player.IsPlayerOnline ~= isOnline) then player.IsPlayerOnline = isOnline end -- Update Combat local isInCombat = IsUnitInCombat(player.PingTag) if (player.IsPlayerInCombat ~= isInCombat) then player.IsPlayerInCombat = isInCombat end UpdateFoodBuff(player) local health, maxHealth = GetUnitPower(player.PingTag, POWERTYPE_HEALTH) UpdatePlayerHealth(player, health, maxHealth) -- Calls update offline player end end --[[ OnTimedUpdate fires TGT_PLAYER_DATA_REFRESH callbacks, if needed ]]-- local function OnTimedUpdate() -- Only if player is in group if (GetIsUnitGrouped()) then local functionTimestamp = GetGameTimeMilliseconds() UpdatePlayerStatus() FireCallbacksAsync(TGT_PLAYER_DATA_REFRESH) -- Send data if (_settingsHandler.SavedVariables.IsSendingDataActive) then if (_lastMessageType == nil or _lastMessageType == MESSAGE_PLAYER_HPS) then TGT_Communicator.SendData(GetMyselfData(MESSAGE_PLAYER_RESOURCES), MESSAGE_PLAYER_RESOURCES) _lastMessageType = MESSAGE_PLAYER_RESOURCES elseif (_lastMessageType == nil or _lastMessageType == MESSAGE_PLAYER_RESOURCES) then local player, updateNeeded = GetMyselfData(MESSAGE_PLAYER_DPS) if (updateNeeded) then TGT_Communicator.SendData(player, MESSAGE_PLAYER_DPS) else TGT_Communicator.SendData(GetMyselfData(MESSAGE_PLAYER_RESOURCES), MESSAGE_PLAYER_RESOURCES) end _lastMessageType = MESSAGE_PLAYER_DPS elseif (_lastMessageType == nil or _lastMessageType == MESSAGE_PLAYER_DPS) then local player, updateNeeded = GetMyselfData(MESSAGE_PLAYER_HPS) if (updateNeeded) then TGT_Communicator.SendData(player, MESSAGE_PLAYER_HPS) else TGT_Communicator.SendData(GetMyselfData(MESSAGE_PLAYER_RESOURCES), MESSAGE_PLAYER_RESOURCES) end _lastMessageType = MESSAGE_PLAYER_HPS end end _logger:logTrace("TGT_PlayerHandler -> OnTimedUpdate", GetGameTimeMilliseconds() - functionTimestamp) end end --[[ Called on new data from Communication ]]-- local function MockPlayerData(pingPlayer) local pingTag = pingPlayer.PingTag for i = 1, GetGroupSize() do pingPlayer.PingTag = pingTag .. tostring(i) if (i <= 4) then pingPlayer.GroupAbilityPing = 1 elseif (i <= 8) then pingPlayer.GroupAbilityPing = 6 elseif (i <= 12) then pingPlayer.GroupAbilityPing = 13 elseif (i <= 16) then pingPlayer.GroupAbilityPing = 15 elseif (i <= 20) then pingPlayer.GroupAbilityPing = 25 else pingPlayer.GroupAbilityPing = 27 end UpdatePlayerData(pingPlayer) end end --[[ Called on new data from Communication ]]-- local function OnData(pingPlayer) if (pingPlayer ~= nil) then local functionTimestamp = GetGameTimeMilliseconds() if (TGT_MOCKED) then MockPlayerData(pingPlayer) else UpdatePlayerData(pingPlayer) end _logger:logTrace("PlayerHandler -> OnData", GetGameTimeMilliseconds() - functionTimestamp) else _logger:logError("PlayerHandler -> OnMapPing; Ping invalid ultimateGroup: " .. tostring(ultimateGroup) .. "; relativeUltimate: " .. tostring(relativeUltimate)) end end --[[ ============== PUBLIC METHODS ============== ]]-- --[[ GetRemoteGroupPlayers returns internal group players, filtered by remote attribute ]]-- function TGT_PlayerHandler.GetRemoteGroupPlayers() local remotePlayers = {} for i,player in pairs(_groupPlayers) do if (player.LastMapPingTimestamp ~= 0) then remotePlayers[player.PlayerName] = player end end return remotePlayers end --[[ GetGroupPlayers returns internal group players ]]-- function TGT_PlayerHandler.GetGroupPlayers() return _groupPlayers end --[[ SetPlayerSubGroup sets sub group for player and sets in SettingsHandler ]]-- function TGT_PlayerHandler.SetPlayerSubGroup(groupIdentifer, player) if (_groupPlayers[player.PlayerName] ~= nil) then _settingsHandler.SavedVariables.PlayerFrameGroups[player.PlayerName] = groupIdentifer player.GroupIdentifer = groupIdentifer FireCallbacksAsync(TGT_PLAYER_DATA_SUB_GROUP_CHANGED, player) else _logger:logError("PlayerHandler -> SetPlayerSubGroup; Player not in group list", player.PlayerName) end end --[[ Initialize initializes TGT_PlayerHandler ]]-- function TGT_PlayerHandler.Initialize() _logger = TGT_LOGGER _playerMyself = GetNewPlayer("player") _playerMyself.UltimateGroup = TGT_UltimateGroupHandler.GetUltimateGroupByAbilityId(TGT_SettingsHandler.GetStaticUltimateIDSettings()) -- Register events EVENT_MANAGER:RegisterForEvent(_name, EVENT_COMBAT_EVENT, OnCombatEvent) EVENT_MANAGER:RegisterForEvent(_name, EVENT_EFFECT_CHANGED, OnEffectChangedEvent) EVENT_MANAGER:RegisterForEvent(_name, EVENT_PLAYER_ACTIVATED, OnPlayerActivated) EVENT_MANAGER:RegisterForEvent(_name, EVENT_POWER_UPDATE, OnPowerUpdate) EVENT_MANAGER:RegisterForEvent(_name, EVENT_UNIT_ATTRIBUTE_VISUAL_ADDED, OnVisualAdded) EVENT_MANAGER:RegisterForEvent(_name, EVENT_UNIT_ATTRIBUTE_VISUAL_UPDATED, OnVisualUpdated) EVENT_MANAGER:RegisterForEvent(_name, EVENT_UNIT_ATTRIBUTE_VISUAL_REMOVED, OnVisualRemoved) -- Start update timer EVENT_MANAGER:RegisterForUpdate(_name, REFRESHRATE, OnTimedUpdate) -- Register callbacks CALLBACK_MANAGER:RegisterCallback(TGT_MAP_PING_CHANGED, OnData) CALLBACK_MANAGER:RegisterCallback(TGT_STATIC_ULTIMATE_ID_CHANGED, SetUltimate) CALLBACK_MANAGER:RegisterCallback(TAO_GROUP_CHANGED, UpdatePlayers) CALLBACK_MANAGER:RegisterCallback(TAO_UNIT_GROUPED_CHANGED, UpdateGroup) _logger:logTrace("TGT_PlayerHandler -> Initialized") end