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--[[ Addon: Taos Group Tools Author: TProg Taonnor Created by @Taonnor ]]-- --[[ Global values ]]-- COLDHARBOUR_MAP_INDEX = 23 MESSAGE_PLAYER_RESOURCES = 1 MESSAGE_PLAYER_DPS = 2 MESSAGE_PLAYER_HPS = 3 --[[ Local variables ]]-- local COLDHARBOUR_MAP_STEP_SIZE = 1.4285034012573e-005 local MESSAGE_PLAYER_RESOURCES_IDENTIFIER = 0x1e local MESSAGE_PLAYER_DPS_IDENTIFIER = 0x32 local MESSAGE_PLAYER_HPS_IDENTIFIER = 0x3c local EARTHGORE_PROCC_IDENTIFIER = 0xc8 local _logger = nil local _name = "TGT-Messages" --[[ Table TGT_Messages ]]-- TGT_Messages = {} TGT_Messages.__index = TGT_Messages --[[ =============== PRIVATE METHODS =============== ]]-- --- Converts normalized map ping coordinates into 4 bytes of data --- returns 4 integers between 0 and 255 local function DecodeData(x, y) local x = math.floor(x / COLDHARBOUR_MAP_STEP_SIZE + 0.5) -- round to next integer local y = math.floor(y / COLDHARBOUR_MAP_STEP_SIZE + 0.5) local b0 = math.floor(x / 0x100) local b1 = x % 0x100 local b2 = math.floor(y / 0x100) local b3 = y % 0x100 return b0, b1, b2, b3 end --- Converts 4 bytes of data into coordinates for a map ping --- b0 to b3 - integers between 0 and 255 --- returns normalized x and y coordinates local function EncodeData(b0, b1, b2, b3) local b0 = b0 or 0 local b1 = b1 or 0 local b2 = b2 or 0 local b3 = b3 or 0 return (b0 * 0x100 + b1) * COLDHARBOUR_MAP_STEP_SIZE, (b2 * 0x100 + b3) * COLDHARBOUR_MAP_STEP_SIZE end --- Converts 3 bytes of data into 24bit integer --- b0 to b3 - integers between 0 and 255 --- returns 24bit integer local function BytesToInt24(b1, b2, b3) return (b1 * 0x10000) + (b2 * 0x100) + b3 end --- Converts 24bit integer into 3 bytes of data --- returns 3 integers between 0 and 255 local function Uint24IntoBytes(value) local b1 = math.floor(value / 0x10000) local b2 = math.floor((value % 0x10000) / 0x100) local b3 = value % 0x100 return b1, b2, b3 end --- Converts 8bit integer into bit table --- returns a table of 8 bits, most significant first. local function Convert8BitIntegerIntoBitArray(value) local bits = 8 local bitTable = {} -- will contain the bits for index = bits, 1, -1 do bitTable[index] = math.fmod(value, 2) value = math.floor((value - bitTable[index]) / 2) end return bitTable end --[[ GetMessagePingForPlayerHPS gets message (MESSAGE_PLAYER_HPS_IDENTIFIER, HPS) as normalized x, y ping ]]-- local function GetMessagePingForPlayerHPS(player) local b0 = MESSAGE_PLAYER_HPS_IDENTIFIER local b1, b2, b3 = Uint24IntoBytes(player.HealingToSend) return EncodeData(b0, b1, b2, b3) end --[[ GetMessagePingForPlayerDPS gets message (MESSAGE_PLAYER_DPS_IDENTIFIER, DPS) as normalized x, y ping ]]-- local function GetMessagePingForPlayerDPS(player) local b0 = MESSAGE_PLAYER_DPS_IDENTIFIER local b1, b2, b3 = Uint24IntoBytes(player.DamageToSend) return EncodeData(b0, b1, b2, b3) end --[[ GetMessagePingForPlayerResources gets message (ulti/earthgore procc, relUlti, relMag, relStam) as normalized x, y ping ]]-- local function GetMessagePingForPlayerResources(player) local b0 = player.UltimateGroup.GroupAbilityPing local b1 = player.RelativeUltimate local b2 = player.RelativeMagicka local b3 = player.RelativeStamina if (player.IsEarthgoreProcced) then player.IsEarthgoreProcced = false b0 = EARTHGORE_PROCC_IDENTIFIER end return EncodeData(b0, b1, b2, b3) end --[[ GetPlayerResources gets player resources from byte informations ]]-- local function GetPlayerResources(b0, b1, b2, b3) local pingPlayer = { MessageType = MESSAGE_PLAYER_RESOURCES, GroupAbilityPing = b0, RelativeUltimate = b1, RelativeMagicka = b2, RelativeStamina = b3 } if (b0 == EARTHGORE_PROCC_IDENTIFIER) then pingPlayer.IsEarthgoreProcced = true end return pingPlayer end --[[ GetPlayerDps gets player DPS from byte informations ]]-- local function GetPlayerDps(b0, b1, b2, b3) local pingPlayer = { MessageType = MESSAGE_PLAYER_DPS, DamageReceived = BytesToInt24(b1, b2, b3) } return pingPlayer end --[[ GetPlayerHps gets player HPS from byte informations ]]-- local function GetPlayerHps(b0, b1, b2, b3) local pingPlayer = { MessageType = MESSAGE_PLAYER_HPS, HealingReceived = BytesToInt24(b1, b2, b3) } return pingPlayer end --[[ ============== PUBLIC METHODS ============== ]]-- --[[ GetPlayerFromMessagePing gets player as player object from normalized x, y coordinates ]]-- function TGT_Messages.GetPlayerFromMessagePing(x, y) local b0, b1, b2, b3 = DecodeData(x, y) if ((b0 > 0 and b0 < MESSAGE_PLAYER_RESOURCES_IDENTIFIER) or b0 == EARTHGORE_PROCC_IDENTIFIER) then return GetPlayerResources(b0, b1, b2, b3) elseif (b0 == MESSAGE_PLAYER_DPS_IDENTIFIER) then return GetPlayerDps(b0, b1, b2, b3) elseif (b0 == MESSAGE_PLAYER_HPS_IDENTIFIER) then return GetPlayerHps(b0, b1, b2, b3) else -- should not happen _logger:logError(zo_strformat("TGT_Messages -> GetPlayerFromMessagePing; Message Type not valid (<<1>>)", b0)) return nil end end --[[ GetMessagePing gets message as normalized x, y ping ]]-- function TGT_Messages.GetMessagePing(messageType, player) if (messageType == MESSAGE_PLAYER_RESOURCES) then return GetMessagePingForPlayerResources(player) elseif (messageType == MESSAGE_PLAYER_DPS) then return GetMessagePingForPlayerDPS(player) elseif (messageType == MESSAGE_PLAYER_HPS) then return GetMessagePingForPlayerHPS(player) else -- should not happen _logger:logError(zo_strformat("TGT_Messages -> GetPlayerFromMessagePing; Message Type not valid (<<1>>)", messageType)) end end --[[ Initialize initializes TGT_Messages ]]-- function TGT_Messages.Initialize() _logger = TGT_LOGGER _logger:logTrace("TGT_Messages -> Initialized") end