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--[[ Addon: Taos Group Tools Author: TProg Taonnor Created by @Taonnor ]]-- --[[ Global callbacks ]]-- TGT_MAP_PING_CHANGED = "TGT-MapPingChanged" --[[ Local variables ]]-- local LGPS = LibStub("LibGPS2", true) if(not LGPS) then error("Cannot load without LibGPS2") end local LMP = LibStub("LibMapPing") if(not LMP) then error("Cannot load without LibMapPing") end -- Set to local for faster access local COLDHARBOUR_MAP_INDEX = COLDHARBOUR_MAP_INDEX local _logger = nil local _name = "TGT-Communicator" --[[ Table TGT_Communicator ]]-- TGT_Communicator = {} TGT_Communicator.__index = TGT_Communicator --[[ =============== PRIVATE METHODS =============== ]]-- --[[ Called on map ping from LibMapPing ]]-- local function OnMapPing(pingType, pingTag, offsetX, offsetY, isLocalPlayerOwner) if (pingType == MAP_PIN_TYPE_PING or pingType == MAP_PIN_TYPE_PLAYER_WAYPOINT) then local functionTimestamp = GetGameTimeMilliseconds() LGPS:PushCurrentMap() SetMapToMapListIndex(COLDHARBOUR_MAP_INDEX) local offsetX, offsetY = LMP:GetMapPing(pingType, pingTag) LGPS:PopCurrentMap() LMP:SuppressPing(pingType, pingTag) if (LMP:IsPositionOnMap(offsetX, offsetY)) then local pingPlayer = TGT_Messages.GetPlayerFromMessagePing(offsetX, offsetY) if (pingPlayer ~= nil) then pingPlayer.PingTag = pingTag FireCallbacksAsync(TGT_MAP_PING_CHANGED, pingPlayer) end end _logger:logTrace("TGT_Communicator -> OnMapPing", GetGameTimeMilliseconds() - functionTimestamp) end end --[[ Called on map ping from LibMapPing ]]-- local function OnMapPingRemoved(pingType, pingTag, offsetX, offsetY, isLocalPlayerOwner) local offsetX, offsetY = LMP:GetMapPing(pingType, pingTag) -- load from LMP, because offsetX, offsetY from PING_EVENT_REMOVED are 0,0 if ((pingType == MAP_PIN_TYPE_PING or pingType == MAP_PIN_TYPE_PLAYER_WAYPOINT) and LMP:IsPositionOnMap(offsetX, offsetY)) then LMP:UnsuppressPing(pingType, pingTag) end end --[[ ============== PUBLIC METHODS ============== ]]-- --[[ Called on refresh of timer ]]-- function TGT_Communicator.SendData(player, messageType) if (player ~= nil) then local functionTimestamp = GetGameTimeMilliseconds() LGPS:PushCurrentMap() SetMapToMapListIndex(COLDHARBOUR_MAP_INDEX) local x, y = TGT_Messages.GetMessagePing(messageType, player) local pingType = MAP_PIN_TYPE_PING if (TGT_MOCKED) then pingType = MAP_PIN_TYPE_PLAYER_WAYPOINT end LMP:SetMapPing(pingType, MAP_TYPE_LOCATION_CENTERED, x, y) LGPS:PopCurrentMap() _logger:logTrace("TGT_Communicator -> SendData", GetGameTimeMilliseconds() - functionTimestamp) else _logger:logError("TGT_Communicator -> SendData; player nil") end end --[[ Initialize initializes TGT_Communicator ]]-- function TGT_Communicator.Initialize() _logger = TGT_LOGGER -- Register events LMP:RegisterCallback("BeforePingAdded", OnMapPing) LMP:RegisterCallback("AfterPingRemoved", OnMapPingRemoved) _logger:logTrace("TGT_Communicator -> Initialized") end