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--[[ Addon: Taos Group Invite Author: TProg Taonnor Created by @Taonnor ]]-- --[[ Local variables ]]-- local LOG_ACTIVE = true local _logger = nil local REFRESHRATE = 1000 -- ms; RegisterForUpdate is in miliseconds --[[ Table TGI_InviteHandler ]]-- TGI_InviteHandler = {} TGI_InviteHandler.__index = TGI_InviteHandler --[[ Table Members ]]-- TGI_InviteHandler.Name = "TGI-InviteHandler" TGI_InviteHandler.IsRunning = false TGI_InviteHandler.CurrentInviteString = "" TGI_InviteHandler.AutoKickList = {} TGI_InviteHandler.RegroupList = {} --[[ Sets invite string and start/stop automatic invite ]]-- function TGI_InviteHandler.SetInviteString(inviteString) if (LOG_ACTIVE) then _logger:logTrace("TGI_InviteHandler.SetInviteString") _logger:logDebug("inviteString", inviteString) end if (TGI_InviteHandler.IsRunning) then if (inviteString == TGI_InviteHandler.CurrentInviteString) then -- Stop TGI_InviteHandler.StopInvite() else -- Change string TGI_InviteHandler.CurrentInviteString = inviteString if (TGI_SettingsHandler.SavedVariables.AutoKick) then d(zo_strformat("Automatisches Einladen mit <<1>> und Autokick aktiv.", TGI_InviteHandler.CurrentInviteString)) else d(zo_strformat("Automatisches Einladen mit <<1>> aktiv.", TGI_InviteHandler.CurrentInviteString)) end end else -- Change string TGI_InviteHandler.CurrentInviteString = inviteString -- Start TGI_InviteHandler.StartInvite() end end --[[ Starts inviting of players in base of CurrentInviteString ]]-- function TGI_InviteHandler.StartInvite() if (LOG_ACTIVE) then _logger:logTrace("TGI_InviteHandler.StartInvite") end -- Set IsRunning TGI_InviteHandler.IsRunning = true -- Register listening on chat EVENT_MANAGER:RegisterForEvent(TGI_InviteHandler.Name, EVENT_CHAT_MESSAGE_CHANNEL, TGI_InviteHandler.OnNewChatMessage) -- Start auto kick if activated if (TGI_SettingsHandler.SavedVariables.AutoKick) then TGI_InviteHandler.StartAutoKick() d(zo_strformat("Automatisches Einladen mit <<1>> und Autokick aktiv.", TGI_InviteHandler.CurrentInviteString)) else d(zo_strformat("Automatisches Einladen mit <<1>> aktiv.", TGI_InviteHandler.CurrentInviteString)) end end --[[ Stops inviting of players and resets CurrentInviteString ]]-- function TGI_InviteHandler.StopInvite() if (LOG_ACTIVE) then _logger:logTrace("TGI_InviteHandler.StopInvite") end -- Unregister listening on chat EVENT_MANAGER:UnregisterForEvent(TGI_InviteHandler.Name, EVENT_CHAT_MESSAGE_CHANNEL) -- Resets invite string TGI_InviteHandler.CurrentInviteString = "" -- Stop auto kick TGI_InviteHandler.StopAutoKick() -- Set IsRunning TGI_InviteHandler.IsRunning = false d("Automatisches Einladen deaktiviert.") end --[[ Callback of EVENT_CHAT_MESSAGE_CHANNEL, handles text from chat against InviteString ]]-- function TGI_InviteHandler.OnNewChatMessage(eventCode, channelType, fromName, text, isCustomerService, fromDisplayName) if (LOG_ACTIVE) then _logger:logTrace("TGI_InviteHandler.OnNewChatMessage") --_logger:logDebug("channelType;text;fromDisplayName", channelType, text, fromDisplayName) end -- Ignore text in group chat if (channelType ~= CHAT_CHANNEL_PARTY) then -- Only if text is CurrentInviteString if (text == TGI_InviteHandler.CurrentInviteString) then -- Ignore messages from yourself if (GetDisplayName() ~= fromDisplayName) then -- Only if you are leader if (IsUnitSoloOrGroupLeader("player")) then local currentGroupSize = GetGroupSize() local maxGroupSize = TGI_SettingsHandler.SavedVariables.MaxGroupSize -- Check against configurated maxGroupSize if (currentGroupSize < maxGroupSize) then -- Invite player d(zo_strformat("Schicke Einladung zu <<1>>.", fromDisplayName)) GroupInviteByName(fromDisplayName) else if (LOG_ACTIVE) then _logger:logDebug("Ignore invite. " .. tostring(currentGroupSize) .. " >= " .. tostring(maxGroupSize)) end end else if (LOG_ACTIVE) then _logger:logDebug("Ignore invite. You are not leader") end end else if (LOG_ACTIVE) then _logger:logDebug("Ignore invite. GetDisplayName() == fromDisplayName") end end else if (LOG_ACTIVE) then _logger:logDebug("Ignore invite. text ~= CurrentInviteString") end end else if (LOG_ACTIVE) then _logger:logDebug("Ignore invite. Group chat.") end end end --[[ Starts auto kicking members in group ]]-- function TGI_InviteHandler.StartAutoKick() if (LOG_ACTIVE) then _logger:logTrace("TGI_InviteHandler.StartAutoKick") end -- Register listening offline/online status EVENT_MANAGER:RegisterForEvent(TGI_InviteHandler.Name, EVENT_GROUP_MEMBER_CONNECTED_STATUS, TGI_InviteHandler.OnGroupMemberConnected) -- Start timer EVENT_MANAGER:RegisterForUpdate(TGI_InviteHandler.Name, REFRESHRATE, TGI_InviteHandler.OnTimedUpdate) -- Check group for offline members and add them to list for i = 1, GetGroupSize() do local unitTag = GetGroupUnitTagByIndex(i) if (IsUnitOnline(unitTag) == false) then local newElementId = #TGI_InviteHandler.AutoKickList + 1 local unitTimeStamp = GetTimeStamp() TGI_InviteHandler.AutoKickList[newElementId] = {} TGI_InviteHandler.AutoKickList[newElementId].unitTag = unitTag TGI_InviteHandler.AutoKickList[newElementId].unitTimeStamp = unitTimeStamp end end end --[[ Stops auto kicking members in group ]]-- function TGI_InviteHandler.StopAutoKick() if (LOG_ACTIVE) then _logger:logTrace("TGI_InviteHandler.StopAutoKick") end -- Stop timer EVENT_MANAGER:UnregisterForUpdate(TGI_InviteHandler.Name) -- Unregister listening offline/online status EVENT_MANAGER:UnregisterForEvent(TGI_InviteHandler.Name, EVENT_GROUP_MEMBER_CONNECTED_STATUS) -- Clear auto kick list for i = #TGI_InviteHandler.AutoKickList, 1, -1 do table.remove(TGI_InviteHandler.AutoKickList, i) end end --[[ Called on refresh of timer ]]-- function TGI_InviteHandler.OnTimedUpdate(eventCode) if (LOG_ACTIVE) then --_logger:logTrace("TGI_InviteHandler.OnTimedUpdate") end -- Only if you are grouped and leader if (IsUnitGrouped("player") and IsUnitGroupLeader("player")) then -- Check all offline players and kick if > timeout local timeout = TGI_SettingsHandler.SavedVariables.AutoKickTimeout for i = #TGI_InviteHandler.AutoKickList, 1, -1 do local unitTimestamp = TGI_InviteHandler.AutoKickList[i].unitTimeStamp local currentTimestamp = GetTimeStamp() local difference = currentTimestamp - unitTimestamp if (difference > timeout) then local unitName = GetUnitDisplayName(TGI_InviteHandler.AutoKickList[i].unitTag) if (LOG_ACTIVE) then _logger:logDebug(zo_strformat("Remove player from list <<1>>", unitName)) end -- Still offline? if (IsUnitOnline(TGI_InviteHandler.AutoKickList[i].unitTag) == false) then -- Kick d(zo_strformat("Spieler <<1>> wurde automatisch gekickt.", unitName)) GroupKick(TGI_InviteHandler.AutoKickList[i].unitTag) end -- Remove table.remove(TGI_InviteHandler.AutoKickList, i) end end end end --[[ Called on EVENT_GROUP_MEMBER_CONNECTED_STATUS ]]-- function TGI_InviteHandler.OnGroupMemberConnected(eventCode, unitTag, isOnline) if (LOG_ACTIVE) then _logger:logTrace("TGI_InviteHandler.OnGroupMemberConnected") _logger:logDebug("unitTag;isOnline", unitTag, isOnline) end local found = false for i = #TGI_InviteHandler.AutoKickList, 1, -1 do if (TGI_InviteHandler.AutoKickList[i].unitTag == unitTag) then -- If online, remove; otherwise update if (isOnline) then table.remove(TGI_InviteHandler.AutoKickList, i) else TGI_InviteHandler.AutoKickList[i].unitTimeStamp = GetTimeStamp() end found = true break -- found end end -- If not found, add if (found == false) then -- Do not add if isOnline if (isOnline == false) then local newElementId = #TGI_InviteHandler.AutoKickList + 1 local unitTimeStamp = GetTimeStamp() TGI_InviteHandler.AutoKickList[newElementId] = {} TGI_InviteHandler.AutoKickList[newElementId].unitTag = unitTag TGI_InviteHandler.AutoKickList[newElementId].unitTimeStamp = unitTimeStamp end end end --[[ Starts regroup process ]]-- function TGI_InviteHandler.Regroup() if (LOG_ACTIVE) then _logger:logTrace("TGI_InviteHandler.Regroup") end -- Only if you are grouped and leader if (IsUnitGrouped("player") and IsUnitGroupLeader("player")) then -- Get group display names for i = 1, GetGroupSize() do local unitTag = GetGroupUnitTagByIndex(i) local unitDisplayName = GetUnitDisplayName(unitTag) -- Ignore yourself if (GetDisplayName() ~= unitDisplayName) then local newElementId = #TGI_InviteHandler.RegroupList + 1 TGI_InviteHandler.RegroupList[newElementId] = unitDisplayName end end -- Stop AutoKick, because group will reinvited TGI_InviteHandler.StopAutoKick() -- Disband group GroupDisband() -- Start regroup process zo_callLater(TGI_InviteHandler.PerformRegroup(), REFRESHRATE) else if (LOG_ACTIVE) then _logger:logDebug("Ignore invite. You are not leader or grouped.") end end end --[[ Performs regroup process ]]-- function TGI_InviteHandler.PerformRegroup() if (LOG_ACTIVE) then _logger:logTrace("TGI_InviteHandler.PerformRegroup") end -- Perform invite and clear for i = #TGI_InviteHandler.RegroupList, 1, -1 do -- Invite player d(zo_strformat("Schicke Einladung zu <<1>>.", TGI_InviteHandler.RegroupList[i])) GroupInviteByName(TGI_InviteHandler.RegroupList[i]) -- Clear entry table.remove(TGI_InviteHandler.RegroupList, i) end -- Start auto kick if activated if (TGI_SettingsHandler.SavedVariables.AutoKick) then TGI_InviteHandler.StartAutoKick() end end --[[ Initialize initializes TGI_InviteHandler ]]-- function TGI_InviteHandler.Initialize(logger) if (LOG_ACTIVE) then logger:logTrace("TGI_InviteHandler.Initialize") end _logger = logger end