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EHM = { ["skyshard"] = "EsoUI/Art/Inventory/", ["chest"] = "EsoUI/Art/Inventory/" } EHM.material = { {pinType = "mining", texture = "EsoUI/Art/MapPins/", tooltip = "Ore", size = 20 }, {pinType = "clothing", texture = "EsoUI/Art/Characterwindow/", tooltip = "Clothing Material", size = 20 }, {pinType = "rune", texture = "EsoUI/Art/Crafting/", tooltip = "Runestone", size = 20 }, {pinType = "alchemy", texture = "EsoUI/Art/Crafting/", tooltip = "Alchemy Ingredient", size = 20 }, {pinType = "provisioning", texture = "EsoheadMarkers/", tooltip = "Provision Material", size = 20 }, {pinType = "wood", texture = "EsoUI/Art/MapPins/", tooltip = "Wood", size = 20 } } EHM.layouts = {} local function EHMChestCallback( g_mapPinManager ) if not ZO_WorldMap_IsPinGroupShown("chest") then return end local zone = GetMapName() local chests = EH.savedVars["chest"].data[zone] if not chests then return end for _,chest in pairs(chests) do g_mapPinManager:CreatePin( _G["chest"], { chest[1], chest[2] }, chest[1], chest[2] ) end end function EHMNotFound( zone, x, y) local foundShards = EHM.foundShards.zones[ zone ] local minFound, minShard local minDist = math.huge if not foundShards then return true end --get closest already collected shard for _, shard in pairs( foundShards ) do if zo_abs(shard[1] - x) + zo_abs(shard[2] - y) < minDist then minFound = shard minDist = zo_abs(shard[1] - x) + zo_abs(shard[2] - y) end end if not minFound then return true end --get closest shard minDist = math.huge for _, shard in pairs( EHMShards[ zone ] ) do if zo_abs(shard[1] - minFound[1]) + zo_abs(shard[2] - minFound[2]) < minDist then minShard = shard minDist = zo_abs(shard[1] - minFound[1]) + zo_abs(shard[2] - minFound[2]) end end if not minShard then return true end -- if current shard and closest shard are the same, it is already collected return not (minShard[1] == x and minShard[2] == y) end local function EHMFoundSkyshardCallback( g_mapPinManager ) if not ZO_WorldMap_IsPinGroupShown("found_skyshard") then return end local zone = GetMapName() local skyshards = EHMShards[ zone ] if not skyshards then return end for _,shard in pairs(skyshards) do if not EHMNotFound(zone, shard[1], shard[2]) then g_mapPinManager:CreatePin( _G["found_skyshard"], { shard[1], shard[2] }, shard[1], shard[2] ) end end end local function EHMSkyshardCallback( g_mapPinManager ) if not ZO_WorldMap_IsPinGroupShown("skyshard") then return end local zone = GetMapName() local skyshards = EHMShards[ zone ] if not skyshards then return end for _,shard in pairs(skyshards) do if EHMNotFound(zone, shard[1], shard[2]) then g_mapPinManager:CreatePin( _G["skyshard"], { shard[1], shard[2] }, shard[1], shard[2] ) end end end local function Old_EHMSkyshardCallback( g_mapPinManager ) local zone = GetMapName() local skyshards = EH.savedVars["skyshard"].data[zone] if not skyshards then return end for _,shard in pairs(skyshards) do g_mapPinManager:CreatePin( _G["skyshard"], { shard[1], shard[2] }, shard[1], shard[2] ) end end local function EHMHarvestCallback( materialId, g_mapPinManager ) if not ZO_WorldMap_IsPinGroupShown(EHM.material[materialId].pinType) then return end local zone = GetMapName() local harvestNodes = EH.savedVars["harvest"].data[zone] if not harvestNodes then return end harvestNodes = harvestNodes[materialId] if harvestNodes then for _, node in pairs(harvestNodes) do g_mapPinManager:CreatePin( _G[EHM.material[materialId].pinType], { node[1], node[2] }, node[1], node[2] ) end end end function EHMFindShard(mapName, x, y) if not EHM.foundShards.zones[ mapName ] then EHM.foundShards.zones[ mapName ] = {} end local list = EHM.foundShards.zones[ mapName ] --if not (list[ #list ][1] == x and list[ #list ][2] == y) then list[ #list + 1 ] = { x, y } --end end EHM.Log = EH.Log EHM.LogCheck = EH.LogCheck function EH.Log( type, nodes, ... ) EHM.Log( type, nodes, ... ) if type == "harvest" then EHM.MapPins:RefreshPins( EHM.material[nodes[2]].pinType ) elseif type == "skyshard" then EHM.MapPins:RefreshPins( "skyshard" ) EHM.MapPins:RefreshPins( "found_skyshard" ) end end function EH.LogCheck( type, nodes, x, y, ... ) local result = EHM.LogCheck( type, nodes, x, y ) if type == "skyshard" then SetMapToPlayerLocation() local mapName = GetMapName() local mapType = GetMapType() local playerX, playerY = GetMapPlayerPosition( "player" ) EHMFindShard(mapName, playerX, playerY) while mapType == MAPTYPE_SUBZONE do --if inside a dungeon if MapZoomOut() ~= SET_MAP_RESULT_MAP_CHANGED then --go back break end mapType = GetMapType() end if mapType == MAPTYPE_ZONE then mapName = GetMapName() playerX, playerY = GetMapPlayerPosition( "player" ) EHMFindShard(mapName, playerX, playerY) end end return result end local function EHMPinSize(input) local category, size = zo_strsplit(" ", input) size = tonumber(size) if category == nil or size == nil or size < 16 or size > 64 or not (category == "skyshard" or category == "chest" or category == "harvest") then d("/pinsize [category] [size]") d("[category]: skyshard, chest, harvest") d("[size]: between 16 and 64") d("example: /pinsize harvest 32") return end if category == "harvest" then for _, pinType in pairs( EHM.material ) do if EHM.layouts[ pinType.pinType ] then EHM.layouts[ pinType.pinType ].size = size end end else EHM.layouts[category].size = size end EHM.MapPins:RefreshPins() end local function EHMOnLoad(eventCode, addOnName ) if addOnName ~= "EsoheadMarkers" then return end SLASH_COMMANDS["/pinsize"] = EHMPinSize EHM.foundShards = ZO_SavedVars:New("EsoheadMarkers_SavedVariables", 1, "skyshard", { zones = {} }) EHM.layouts = ZO_SavedVars:New("EsoheadMarkers_SavedVariables", 1, "layout") EHMInitSkyshards() EHM.MapPins = CustomMapPins:New() -- if not EHM.layouts["skyshard"] then EHM.layouts["skyshard"] = { level = 20, texture = EHM["skyshard"], size = 40 } end EHM.MapPins:CreatePinType( "skyshard", EHM.layouts["skyshard"], { creator = function(pin) local str if EHM.debug then str = "Mark this Skyshard as collected!" else str = "Uncollected Skyshard" end InformationTooltip:AddLine(str) end, tooltip = InformationTooltip }, EHMSkyshardCallback ) if not EHM.layouts["found_skyshard"] then EHM.layouts["found_skyshard"] = { level = 20, texture = EHM["skyshard"], size = 32 } end EHM.MapPins:CreatePinType( "found_skyshard", EHM.layouts["found_skyshard"], { creator = function(pin) local str if EHM.debug then str = "Mark this Skyshard as uncollected!" else str = "Collected Skyshard" end InformationTooltip:AddLine(str) end, tooltip = InformationTooltip }, EHMFoundSkyshardCallback ) if not EHM.layouts["chest"] then EHM.layouts["chest"] = { level = 20, texture = EHM["chest"], size = 32 } end EHM.MapPins:CreatePinType( "chest", EHM.layouts["chest"], "Chest", EHMChestCallback ) for id, material in pairs( EHM.material ) do if id ~= 5 then --not sure how to handle provision local i = id local t = material.texture local s = material.size if not EHM.layouts[material.pinType] then EHM.layouts[material.pinType] = { level = 20, texture = t, size = s } end EHM.MapPins:CreatePinType( material.pinType, EHM.layouts[material.pinType], material.tooltip, function(g_mapPinManager) EHMHarvestCallback( i, g_mapPinManager ) end ) end end EHMInitializeDebug() EHMInitializeCompass() EHMInitializeFilters() EHM.MapPins:RefreshPins() end EVENT_MANAGER:RegisterForEvent("EsoheadMarkers", EVENT_ADD_ON_LOADED, EHMOnLoad)