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local function EHMHarvestCallback( materialId, g_mapPinManager ) if not (ZO_WorldMap_IsPinGroupShown(EHM.material[materialId].pinType) and EHM.compass) then return end local zone = GetMapName() local harvestNodes = EH.savedVars["harvest"].data[zone] if not harvestNodes then return end harvestNodes = harvestNodes[materialId] if harvestNodes then for _, node in pairs(harvestNodes) do g_mapPinManager:CreatePin( EHM.material[materialId].pinType, node[1], node[2] ) end end end local function EHMSkyshard( pinManager ) if not (ZO_WorldMap_IsPinGroupShown("skyshard") and EHM.compass) then return end local zone = GetMapName() local skyshards = EHMShards[ zone ] if not skyshards then return end for _,shard in pairs(skyshards) do if not EHMNotFound(zone, shard[1], shard[2]) then pinManager:CreatePin( "skyshard", shard[1], shard[2] ) end end end local function EHMChestCallback( g_mapPinManager ) if not (ZO_WorldMap_IsPinGroupShown("chest") and EHM.compass) then return end local zone = GetMapName() local chests = EH.savedVars["chest"].data[zone] if not chests then return end for _,chest in pairs(chests) do g_mapPinManager:CreatePin( "chest", chest[1], chest[2] ) end end local function EHMCompass(str) input = tonumber(str) if input == 1 then d("Compass activated!") elseif input == 0 then d("Compass deactivated!") else d("/compass [state]") d("state should be 1 for on and 0 for off") end EHM.compass = (input == 1) COMPASS_PINS:RefreshPins() end function EHMInitializeCompass() for id, material in pairs( EHM.material ) do if id ~= 5 then --not sure how to handle provision local i = id COMPASS_PINS:AddCustomPin( material.pinType, function(g_mapPinManager) EHMHarvestCallback( i, g_mapPinManager ) end, EHM.layouts[material.pinType] ) end end COMPASS_PINS:AddCustomPin("skyshard", EHMSkyshard, EHM.layouts["skyshard"]) COMPASS_PINS:AddCustomPin("chest", EHMChestCallback, EHM.layouts["chest"]) COMPASS_PINS:RefreshPins() SLASH_COMMANDS["/compass"] = EHMCompass end