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--localize --add queuing system for multiple items --collect all enchant ids & remove need for dropdown -- ESOutpost © ZAM Network LLC -- All Rights Reserved local wm = GetWindowManager() local strformat = string.format local IsItemBound = IsItemBound local ZO_Alert = ZO_Alert local M = ESOutpostMaps local gui = ESOutpostGUI local dataForString = {} local server local function strsplit(inputstr, sep) local t, i = {}, 1 for str in string.gmatch(inputstr, "([^"..sep.."]+)") do t[i] = str i = i + 1 end return t end local function RGBPercToHex(r,g,b) r = r <= 1 and r >= 0 and r or 0 g = g <= 1 and g >= 0 and g or 0 b = b <= 1 and b >= 0 and b or 0 return string.format("%02x%02x%02x", r*255, g*255, b*255) end local function wipe(tbl) for k,v in pairs(tbl) do k = nil end end local function DataIsComplete() local missingText = "|cC5C29EESO|rutpost: Your data is not complete." local isComplete if not gui.lvlNum:IsHidden() and gui.lvlNum:GetText() == "" then --d("missing level") isComplete = false elseif not gui.traitValuebg:IsHidden() and gui.traitValue:GetText() == "" then --d("missing traitvalue") isComplete = false elseif not gui.enchant:IsHidden() and gui.enchant.dropdown:GetSelectedItem() == "Select Enchant" then --d("missing enchant") isComplete = false elseif (not gui.enchantValueXbg:IsHidden() and gui.enchantValueX:GetText() == "") or (not gui.enchantValueYbg:IsHidden() and gui.enchantValueY:GetText() == "") then --d("missing enchantvalue") isComplete = false else --d("data complete!") isComplete = true end if isComplete then return true else ZO_Alert(nil, SOUNDS.SKILL_GAINED, missingText) return false end end local function GenerateString() if not DataIsComplete() then return else gui.genstring:SetText("Generating String") dataForString[5] = (gui.lvlNum.vr and "VR" or "")..gui.lvlNum:GetText() dataForString[12] = gui.traitValue:GetText() dataForString[13] = gui.enchant.hash dataForString[14] = gui.enchantValueX:GetText() dataForString[15] = gui.enchantValueY:GetText() gui.genstring:SetText(table.concat(dataForString, ":")) gui.copy:SetEnabled(true) end end gui.generate:SetHandler("OnClicked", GenerateString) local function ItemTraitToggle(hasTrait, hasStatValue, stat) gui.trait:ClearAnchors() if not hasStatValue then gui.trait:SetAnchor(LEFT, gui.statValue, LEFT) else gui.trait:SetAnchor(LEFT, gui.statValue, RIGHT, 20, 0) end gui.traitValue:Clear() gui.traitValuebg:SetHidden(not hasTrait) end local canShowEnchants = {[ITEMTYPE_WEAPON] = true, [ITEMTYPE_ARMOR] = true, [ITEMTYPE_GLYPH_WEAPON] = true, [ITEMTYPE_GLYPH_JEWELRY] = true, [ITEMTYPE_GLYPH_ARMOR] = true} local function EnchantToggle(rawItemType, weaponType, equipType, isLocked) if canShowEnchants[rawItemType] then gui.enchant:SetHidden(false) gui.enchant.dropdown:ClearItems() local enchants if equipType == EQUIP_TYPE_RING or equipType == EQUIP_TYPE_NECK or rawItemType == ITEMTYPE_GLYPH_JEWELRY then enchants = M.jewelryEnchants elseif rawItemType == ITEMTYPE_ARMOR or weaponType == "shield" or rawItemType == ITEMTYPE_GLYPH_ARMOR then enchants = M.armorEnchants else enchants = M.weaponEnchants end for i=1,#enchants do local entry = gui.enchant.dropdown:CreateItemEntry(enchants[i].text, gui.enchant.callback) entry.vars = enchants[i].vars entry.hash = enchants[i].hash gui.enchant.dropdown:AddItem(entry, ZO_COMBOBOX_SUPRESS_UPDATE) end else gui.enchant:SetHidden(true) end gui.enchant.dropdown:SetSelectedItem("Select Enchant") gui.enchantValueX:Clear() gui.enchantValueY:Clear() gui.enchantValueXbg:SetHidden(true) gui.enchantValueYbg:SetHidden(true) gui.enchant.type = "" gui.enchant.hash = "" if isLocked then gui.locked:SetDimensions(16, 16) else gui.locked:SetDimensions(0, 0) end end local function CanCollectData(control, silent) if control == GuiRoot then return end if not M.server[server] then if not silent then ZO_Alert(nil, SOUNDS.SKILL_GAINED, "|cC5C29EESO|rutpost: You must be on either the NA or EU Megaserver to sell an item through |cC5C29EESO|rutpost.") end return false elseif control.bagId == 0 then if not silent then ZO_Alert(nil, SOUNDS.SKILL_GAINED, "|cC5C29EESO|rutpost: You cannot appraise an item that is equipped.") end return false elseif control:GetParent() == ZO_BuyBackListContents or control:GetParent() == ZO_StoreWindowListContents then if not silent then ZO_Alert(nil, SOUNDS.SKILL_GAINED, "|cC5C29EESO|rutpost: You cannot appraise an item from this window.") end return false elseif not control.dataEntry or not or not then return false elseif IsItemBound(, then if not silent then ZO_Alert(nil, SOUNDS.SKILL_GAINED, "|cC5C29EESO|rutpost: You cannot sell that item.") end return false else return true end end function CollectESOutpostItemData() --global - keybound function local control = moc() if control.outpostBtn then control = control.row end if not CanCollectData(control) then return end local controlData = local bagId = controlData.bagId local slotIndex = controlData.slotIndex gui.tooltip:ClearLines() gui.tooltip:SetBagItem(bagId, slotIndex) wipe(dataForString) gui.genstring:Clear() gui.copy:SetEnabled(false) local link = GetItemLink(bagId, slotIndex) local itemLinkData = strsplit(link, ":") local icon, stack, _, _, locked, equipType, itemStyle, quality = GetItemInfo(bagId, slotIndex) local soundCat = GetItemSoundCategory(bagId, slotIndex) PlayItemSound(soundCat, ITEM_SOUND_ACTION_SLOT) gui.icon.texture:SetTexture(icon) local name ="%s|c%s%s", stack>1 and "x"..stack.." " or "", RGBPercToHex(GetInterfaceColor(INTERFACE_COLOR_TYPE_ITEM_QUALITY_COLORS, quality)), name)) local level = tonumber(itemLinkData[5]) local isVeteran = level > 49 gui.lvl:SetText(isVeteran and "|t32:32:EsoUI\\Art\\UnitFrames\\|tRank" or "Level") gui.lvlNum:SetText(isVeteran and GetItemLevel(bagId, slotIndex)-50-quality or level or 0) gui.lvlNum.vr = isVeteran local rawItemType = GetItemType(bagId, slotIndex) or "none" local weaponType, armorType, itemType if rawItemType == ITEMTYPE_WEAPON then weaponType = GetItemWeaponType(bagId, slotIndex) itemType = GetString("SI_WEAPONTYPE", weaponType) or "Weapon" elseif rawItemType == ITEMTYPE_ARMOR then armorType = GetItemArmorType(bagId, slotIndex) itemType = GetString("SI_ARMORTYPE", armorType) itemType = itemType and itemType.." Armor" or "Armor" else itemType = GetString("SI_ITEMTYPE", rawItemType) end local equipTypeText = GetString("SI_EQUIPTYPE", equipType) or "" gui.type:SetText(strformat("%s%s", itemType, equipTypeText=="" and "" or " ("..equipTypeText..")")) local statValue = controlData.statValue --or 0 local rawTrait = GetItemTrait(bagId, slotIndex) local trait = GetString("SI_ITEMTRAITTYPE", rawTrait) gui.statValue:SetText(statValue>0 and strformat("%s %d", (weaponType == "shield" and "Armor") or (rawItemType == ITEMTYPE_WEAPON and "Damage") or (rawItemType == ITEMTYPE_ARMOR and "Armor"), statValue) or "") gui.trait:SetText(rawTrait>0 and trait or "") ItemTraitToggle(rawTrait>0, statValue>0, statValue) EnchantToggle(rawItemType, weaponType, equipType, locked) dataForString = { [1] = name:gsub(":", [[\58]]), [2] = M.itemQuality[quality], [3] = stack, [4] = icon:sub(18, -5), --only the file name of the icon, not the whole path [5] = "", --placeholder for level - double-check this number before generating the string [6] = M.itemType[rawItemType] or "", [7] = weaponType and M.weaponType[weaponType] or armorType and M.armorType[armorType] or "", [8] = "", --"None" - placeholder for staffType [9] = M.equipType[equipType] or "", [10] = statValue or "", [11] = M.traitType[rawTrait], [12] = "", --placeholder for traitValue [13] = "", --placeholder for enchant [14] = "", --placeholder for enchant valueX [15] = "", --placeholder for enchant valueY [16] = locked and "l" or "u", [17] = M.itemStyle[itemStyle] or "", [18] = itemLinkData[3], --itemID [19] = M.server[server] or "" } gui:SetHidden(false) end EVENT_MANAGER:RegisterForEvent("ESOutpost", EVENT_ADD_ON_LOADED, function(event, addon) if addon == "ESOutpost" then ZO_CreateStringId("SI_BINDING_NAME_ESOUTPOST_LINK", "Get ESOutpost Link") local keybindStripDescriptor = { alignment = KEYBIND_STRIP_ALIGN_RIGHT, order = 1000, name = "ESOutpost", keybind = "ESOUTPOST_LINK", callback = function(descriptor) CollectESOutpostItemData() end, icon = "ESOutpost\\", } local keybindAdded local function KeybindVisibility() if CanCollectData(moc(), true) then if not keybindAdded then KEYBIND_STRIP:AddKeybindButton(keybindStripDescriptor) keybindAdded = true end else if keybindAdded then KEYBIND_STRIP:RemoveKeybindButton(keybindStripDescriptor) keybindAdded = false end end end KEYBIND_STRIP.keybinds["ESOUTPOST_LINK"] = nil --not sure why this is needed... ZO_PlayerInventory:SetHandler("OnShow", function() EVENT_MANAGER:RegisterForUpdate("ESOutpostKeybindVisibility", 100, KeybindVisibility) end) ZO_PlayerInventory:SetHandler("OnHide", function() EVENT_MANAGER:RegisterForUpdate("ESOutpostKeybindVisibility") end) gui:CreateInventoryButtons() server = GetCVar("LastRealm") end end)